Settled Dust Read Count : 125

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
Black-Faces (Quick Intro to the story)

      Auden stepped into the dirty bathroom, everything from the floor to the ceiling was covered in a thick layer of dust, besides that the toilet at the far end of the room was crawling with abnormally sized flies, maybe someone left something in there and forgot to flush when this all happened, or maybe something died? Either way Auden kept his curiosity inside and made his way to the cracked and rusted mirror that was just above the sink. He wiped away the layer of dust that rested on the rusted glass of the mirror, he was greeted with a face he couldn't quite recognize.                                                                                                                           His faced was covered in dried sweat and blood, but that alone wasn't the reason he couldn't recognize his own reflection, something to him seemed off about his look, "maybe its because you're not smiling" he remembered David say, but Auden couldn't bring himself to smile, he couldn't even force one. Auden's face was emotionless, he long since numbed his ability to show emotions through his face, for all he knew he and David where the only sane human beings left on the planet, what need is there for him to show his emotions when he only interacts with David through a faceless radio?                                                                                                                                   Auden slung his pack over the sink and reached in to pull out his quarter emptied water bottle. He doused the end of his raggedy shirt with some water and began wiping away some of the grime off his face. After he finished he looked back into the mirror, again he was greeted by a stranger, but he could really see the brown in his eyes, he almost seemed like a vicious predator, but compared to "them" he was no more than some sickly looking sheep ready to be pounced. Auden  was refreshed, ok, and ready to leave this place behind him. He started repacking his bottle back into his pack; A creak in the hallway just outside of the bathroom made him freeze. He waited for a moment and listened more closely, there was silence, Auden thought he must have been hearing things, he quickly started shoving his bottle back into his bag, but in the same moment the creaking noise happened again but more definite.                                                                                                                      The sound caught Auden off guard causing him to drop his bottle, that same instant the bathroom door crashed open followed by a low clicking noise. The water hit the floor washing away a small area of dirt with it as It was steady flowing away. Auden was pressed against the wall on the inside of the tub, holding his mouth with one hand and gripping the knife at his belt with the other, as he peeped through the many holes within the curtains of the tub. Auden seen it, a creature he has had the unwelcomed liberty to see over a thousand times by now. Its black almost human like slimed body, and its huge black eyes that took up at least 60% of its already large head. The creature had long blade like claws that it clicked around by the spilled water tilting its head back and fourth as to get a better look around looking for some sheep to pounce. Auden for now was lucky, the creature seemed to be more thirsty than it was hungry, it dipped its head down every now and again to lick up the water Auden had spilt just moments ago. Auden started getting anxious, his heart was racing and his body started shaking with fear, he only had three visible options each just as dangerous as the last. Auden contemplated, should he run for the door while its back was turned? That would mean leaving his bag and stuff behind with all the food he had collected. He thought about stabbing it in the back, just like he seen others do to kill these things. The most riskiest route was to just sit tight and wait for it to just leave on its own. Auden decided he was to scared to do anything else other than wait...

(Let me know what you think...)


  • Why does this app allow the creator to rate their own work?

    Oct 18, 2017

  • the monster's.. description is good

    Oct 23, 2017

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