Read Count : 103
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
The stars were shining brightly in the night sky. Silver was thinking, thinking about how one day she would become queen and rule What she called the SummerFur territory. The SummerFur territory was for the foxes that did not like the sand or snow, the ones who werent made for that. Silver heard her mother get up. "Why hello silver, ready to go visit Clock? I heard Clock needs you to bring something over to hazel." The white-silver-golden spotted fox was fixing her nest. Silver scrambled up "really?! Oh my gosh thats SO cool!" Silver padded over to her mother, nuzzled her, and went through the green wavy vines that hung from the enterence. Silver sniffed the cold night air, she could smell the delicious sent of prey in every den, she could smell the sent of the healer den, she could smell everything in the territory. Silver couldnt get destracted, she was suppoused to go get clocks things for Hazel! (All im writing for so..to be continuec!!! :'( )
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