Consequences Read Count : 60

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Everyone makes their own choices, and the choices they make have consequences. But I'm not here to talk about the people I know, I'm here to talk about my bad choices and actions and the fallout of them

Just yesterday I bought a container of icebreakers. This morning I realized, I HAD EATEN ALL OF THEM. I forgot how addictive they were, and how bad a stomach ache they give me when I eat a bunch of them. So I was inspired to write this story.

Two summers ago, I was headed down to my church to help with a summer project. Now I had woken up late that morning, so I hadn't eaten which distracted me. I also didn't tie my shoes properly, and I wore shorts and a tee shirt. I had to ride my bicycle the two miles to get there. Normally when I ride my bike I steer with one hand and play music on my phone with the other hand. The combination of all those things was terrible. In the end I had awful road rash, I still have rocks in my knee and scars on my elbow. 

Another time three years ago I was at my families cabin. I decided to trim my fingernails with a pocket knife, it tore the nail clear back to the nail bed and I was  bleeding everywhere.

I would add more but don't have time. I hope you can learn from these mistakes.


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