Beginning: Chapter Two Read Count : 158

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
A tiny head poked above the stone wall as Luciel peeked trying to see what Gabriel was doing. As usual the other angel seemed to be writing in some type of paper thingie. He was completely engrossed in what he was doing and hadn't noticed the four year old nearing. Licking his lips Luciels pars flitted to the side as he managed to pull himself up landing silently behind the other. Besides a shift of position, Gabriel hadn't seemed to have noticed him, grinning a toothy grin Luciel prepared to pounce. 

Leaping up in a flurry of movement he heard the other male gasped as he tackled into him drawing out a cry of surprise. Hands wrapped around Luciels waist as he was suddenly flipped being pinned to the ground as the other glared at him. "What do you want!" Gabriel cried his pars continuing to flutter. 

Luciel laughed as he was pinned beneath him his tongue sticking out in a dazzling display of laughter as he started to wiggle. "Wanna play!" He said red eyes meeting Gabriels as he tilted his head in hope. "Pweese." He begged sticking his bottom lip out as he tilted his head making himself look meek and adorable. 

Letting out a long drawn out sigh the eleven year old angel frowned before looking back over at his book. Letting go of Luciel as he sat back his eyes permanently set in annoyance as he tapped his fingers on the ground. Luciels eyes remained rooted on him, willing the submission that would allow him what he desired. Gabriel knew the other was watching him but he just remained still which was his own test of wills. The other angel seemed to be a master of patience however and finally after what felt like an hour Gabriel relented by standing up, "What do you want to play?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? You came here demanding I play with you and you don't even know what you want to play?" Gabriel demanded crossing his arms as he tapped his foot rapidly on the ground. 

Luciel looked down at that, "Can.. um maybe.. Oh! I know can we cook something! In the kitchen! I want to bake." He said excitedly jumping up and down his eyes wide in excitement as he attempted to run away.

"Wait!" Gabriel said grabbing his arm as he looked nervously in the direction they were gonna go. "Can't we go do something else? The magic makes the food with us. Why would we need to make it ourselves?"

"Cause its fun, Gab!" Luciel replied back with a happy grin on his face. Gabriel just crossed his arms as he shook his head. 

"Don't wanna. Go play by yourself." He said sternly before just turning and grabbing the book again. Opening the page to where he had left off he leaned back as he attempted to read what was on the page. 

"Whats that?"

"None of your business. Just leave me alone." Gabriel shot back before turning and heading towards his room. Luciel was annoying and he just wanted to read, he could go 'cook' if he wanted. He thought making it to his room and shutting the door behind him. Walking over to the mirror he sat down before running a hand through his hair. Grabbing the brush that his father had given him he started the melodic strokes as he closed his eyes. "Coo?" A voice called behind him.

Blinking he turned before coming face to face to the brightly coloured Platy named Duke. Grinning he grabbed the failed creation as he pulled him close to his chest, "Hey Duke, what were you doing in my room?" He asked feeling more relaxed now that he had a familiar shape. Grabbing his book he headed over to his bed leaping on it as he startled another platy. "SCA!" It shrieked as it leaped up. Laughing Gabriel reached out to calm the now ruffled mammal. Based on the stripe on his beak he recognized it as Beavus. 

"Beavus and Duke. Hm...." Sure enough following his words he saw Puss poke his head out of the closet. Blinking in amusement as it suddenly squeaked as the smallest of them, Otty, leaped onto his head. Scrambling away Puss immediately went to follow with a huff of indignation. All four of them were in his room and they seemed to have for a while if their dry fur was any indication. Gabriel was still smiling when Beavus suddenly headbutted him with a squeak. Giggling he butted him back before he felt one of the beaks latch onto his arm, "Ah! Oh no you got me!" He said looking down at Duke who was still hooked onto his arm.

They played for about half an hour when the four suddenly scrambled just before a severe knocking sounded at Gabriels door. "Gab! Gab! I have to show you something!" An excitable voice called. Gabriel glared at the door before walking over to it opening it up quickly as he poked his head out.

"What is it now?" He asked before being grabbed by Luciels surprisingly strong grip. 

"Come on! I'll show you. Please its so cool. I also made something! Do you wanna try it, theres enough for both of us." He said. Upon closer expection Gabriel realized the other was covered in a white powder and around his mouth was a brown smear, Chocolate. His hands were sticky and that caused Gabriel to rip his hand away. 

"Did you dump the whole kitchen on your head?" He asked but Luciel just ignored him as he started to run towards the steps. Deciding it best to not leave him alone he trailed after the younger angel. All the while holding his bitter feelings at being dragged from his room. Now he'd have to give Luciel a bath. Ugh he was so annoying, why did God make him. Wish he'd just take him back. He thought darkly behind the other. Finally they made it to the kitchen and if Gabriel thought that Luciel was bad, the kitchen was covered splatters all over the wall and the faint smell of burning. Sure enough though on the table was a glob of sticky goo that Luciel had even put a cherry on top. Running over to it the angel sat next to it as he smiled, "See? I made that." He said proudly. 

"What even is it?" Gabriel asked warily, trying and failing to hide the disgust in his voice. It didn't go unmissed by Luciel who's face fell as he looked down. 

"I.. I don't know. I made it though... for you I figured. I figured you'd li-" 

"Is it even cooked? You made all this mess, that I'll have to clean, for that? It just looks like a big clumpy mess of course I'm not gonna like it. I don't even like sweet things." He said crossing his arms glaring at the other angel. Luciel on his part remained silent through the whole rant although when he said that he wasn't gonna like it his eyes started to water. Although he wiped them away immediately.

"You didn't even try it.." He pleaded.

"It's poison." Gabriel replied back tilting his head up as he looked away. Luciel finally couldn't take it as his body started to shake with him taking a step back. Instead of running away though he suddenly ran at the other angel tackling Gabriel. The force and surprise caused him to fall backwards as he hit his head hard against the ground. "Ow! Get off of me!" He yelled disoriented. 

Luciel was crying though as he kicked and squirmed above the other hitting him where he could, "I just want to be your friend!" He cried which gave Gabriel enough time to throw the other angel off. Landing on his back, Luciel didn't get up as Gabriel crawled to his feet.

"You'll never be my friend. Never!" He said cruelly before turning and racing out of the room. 


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