The Secrets Of Angel's Past
Read Count : 121
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Darkness once again, this fear of the void rushes back over me. Unable to decide what is what or who, if anyone is really there. I hear them again, the stomping of boots but from where? The sound echoes as my heart begins to race. Fear? No it isn't fear that consumes my body, but what is it? What is this? I feel hot and sweaty, palms soaked. This room, it’s so cold I can see my breath. I hear the boots again louder this time. I feel like they're behind me, I fight myself and I don’t look. "Who are you? What do you want from me? What can I possibly offer you?" I said with a shaky voice. I hear a chuckle in my ear. My eyes widen and body freezes. I know that sound, I know who it is. My body is consumed in fear and I can't move, I can't run. I know what will happen if I do. I call to him once more. "It's you again isn't it, only you have that laugh? Why me? I got out of here before, you can't keep me here and your plans will never work on me. They will come just as they did last time. I don't fear you anymore.” "Oh, my dear.” He says in a calm tone. “That is where you’re wrong they won't come for you. And you do fear me; I smell it all over you. As for what I want from you. Same thing I always have." I close my eyes hoping to wake up, as if it were a bad dream; but knowing this is all too real I stand to my feet, turning around to face him. "Okay, you win. What more do you want from me? I couldn’t offer you what you wanted last time, because in case you didn't notice, he didn't live though our last encounter." I stand there trembling, hoping he lets me go for not being able to give him my child. "I know he didn't, but you did." Feeling his hand run down my face I close my eyes, wanting to run but still unable to move anywhere. What do I do? What I can I do? I can't keep running like this knowing it’s all in the end for nothing. I start to feel tears run down my face. I go to take a step to see his reaction. He didn't try to stop me. I walk to the walls and trace them to find my way out. I feel a door, it’s open. I go to turn the knob and feel a hand place over mine. "You can open this door if you like, but trust me I would think long before you did." He lets me go and hear walk away I take my hand off the door. Then slide down the wall crying, not knowing what to really do. I see a light under a door, across the room. I walk to it and I hear talking on the other side, it’s Romanian, but I can't make out what's being said. The door is locked. I sit by it waiting for it to open. I feel myself nodding off and after time I fall asleep lying against the wall. When I come to, I'm lying in a bed in what seems to be a small apartment, but not mine. I sit up and hear his voice say, "good, you’re awake, welcome to my place." "Yeah thanks, but mister, where is here? Where am I? What will happen to me? How far from home am I? Whe....” “Quiet, you are safe. I'm not the one here to hurt you, my boss is. I've grown quite a liking to you and am here to help you. That is of course, if you will let me." “Well gee; I don't have much of choice now do I?" “Really, you’re wrong quite a lot so try shutting up and listening. You want to go home? I will take you there. You want answers? I will give them, but goddamnit child shut up and listen!" He walks over to me and sits by me. This is the first time I have ever seen him. He has dark hair and his facial hair is neatly trimmed, brown eyes that you can easily get lost in while still holding a sense of power over your body. Voice demanding yet sweet with dark tanned skin. He looks are heavenly on the eyes. I lie back on the bed and look up thinking about everything. I look at him again after 20 minutes or so and finally ask, "Okay, so what's your name?" "My name is Brian. Would you like anything to eat or drink? Maybe watch T.V.?" I shake my head no, as my stomach says differently. He leaves and comes back with small bag of chips and a coke "Here, I don't need you dying on me.” He snickers, leaving again to go to the bathroom. I hear water start to run and a bath being filled. Is he going to kill me? No, he wouldn't offer me this just to kill me, which would make no sense. Or is he just trying to keep me thinking I'm safe? What do I do? He said he'd take me home if I asked and he said he would answer everything. But why? Why tell me this just to kill me? "Child, why do you think I would kill you? If I wanted you dead you would be. Now, hop in the bath. It will do you good to relax. And if you need anything just call for me." I look around and, as I walk to the bath, I see pictures of him, but his eyes are so different. Like he's locked inside himself. Slipping into the bath I start to relax a little, but keeping my guard up, I see my phone on the sink. So I grab it to play a game on it. In the reflection I see something I can't explain, I want to look away but I can't. I can feel fear start taking over my body again. Then, as I hear a knock on the door it disappears. "Are you okay in there? Did something happen? Do you need anything?" I draw the shower curtain and ask him to come sit with me to talk. I hear the door open and him sitting next to the tub. "What is it, is everything okay?" "Yeah I'm fine just, I don’t know what's going on? Who are you, what are you, what do the people you work for want? I don't understand at all. What would happen to you if they know I'm here?" “They know you’re here, kind of. And I... well I'm not of this world, as you can tell, and what you saw was me. It's nothing to fear, I won't hurt you. As for why they want you? I don’t know what their plain is." "Will they still get me? Are they going to kill me? And what about you?" "Do you ever stop asking questions? No, they won't kill you. No, I won't let them hurt you. You are safe here." He leaves the room saying, "get dressed. Head to bed, it’s late. I know you’re stressed and that tires out the human body." I sink into the tub and think about what's been going on. I’m pulled out of my thoughts by the sensation of the ice cold water against my skin. I climb out and get dressed. Then walk out of the bath room and into the other room. I don't see him anywhere. I start looking around, still nothing. I get the feeling someone is behind me again, but I’m too scared to look for fear it’s someone other than Brian. I go back to the bedroom and sit on the bed, waiting. Then remember if I needed anything he just said I had to call for him. "Brian? Where are you?" I look around waiting for him. "He's not here anymore" That voice, I know it, it was one of the guys behind that door. What do I do? What's going on? Was it all a lie? Did he set me up for this? I hide under the sheets like a scared child hoping that it will just go away. I hear footsteps and then loud thud sound staying under the covers I see two shadows but now neither looking human. I blink and then now only one is there I hear Brian's voice say “come on Angel you can come out now, as I said no one will hurt you." I look out from under them seeing things as they were before. He caressed my face "go to sleep now, I won't leave your bed side and when morning comes you can decide what you want to happen from there. Good night and rest up." I awaken to find myself back in my own bed; was it all a dream? Did none of it really happen? I get up and see that I'm still in his shit "what happened to me?" I whisper under my breath and a voice answers back "you know what happened. It wasn't a dream Angel. But your safe now" turning to look around me but no one is there. I go looking thought the house to see if anyone is here then I hear the voice again "I am one with you now nothing will touch you" looking around me again I scream "who are you? What do you want?" The voice chuckles "I don’t want anything, I have what I want and you know who I am" dropping to my knees crying "why me what do you want from me? What can I offer you?" Holding my head I look up from my state to see Brian he motions for me to keep quiet then the voice says again "you lost,I won now you listen carefully to what I have to say. And you will follow every order" I look back up at Brian with hopeful eyes as I agree with the voice. He shakes his head and disappearing into the darkness. I call out to him hoping he returns and comes back hoping he will help me like before. But he never came back. Not that night, not next week, not the month after. I wait for him still knowing he wouldn't, no, that he couldn't give up on me. Time passes with the voice keeping hold over my life. I notice something after about three months something that one would think was impossible. "Did you?" I ask the voice "Did I what? That child meant the world to you, and you lost him from the stress. Yes I will still claim this child as mine but." I look up from my work to see Brian "I will have you as well" Brian walks over placing his hand on me saying "he won’t harm him allow him to take it" but before I could ask why, he vanishes again. Three months later I stop hearing the voice no more orders, no more threats, no more anything life went back to normal for a time and I started getting my house sat up for the new member. I call for the voice now being a week before delivery asking him to show himself. I hear the voice say "I have been here all this time just open your eyes." Closing my eyes and reopening them I look around not seeing any one as being to sigh I feel arms wrapping around me and voice that is all too familiar saying "I said nothing would happen to you and I kept this promise. I just couldn't let you know it was me or he would had come for you again" finally able to relax I lean back against him looking up at him to see him once more. Laying against him a feel a smile come across my face, a since of peace fill my body. I lean up and go to turn around just to see he’s gone again. Laughing I say “I really wish all of you would make up your mind, this coming and going is really annoying” I finish getting ready for the baby and go lay down. Sinking into my bed I fell a hand touch my shoulder. “Who’s there” I say rolling over to see its not Brian. “Are you the voice I’ve been hearing? If so why only show yourself now?” They chuckle and look into my eyes saying “yes I am who you’ve heard, and because I had no reason to til now.” I look at him thinking to myself about where Brian may be, but knowing he said this guy wouldn’t hurt me. I look at him and ask “so what’s your name? And why do you need my child?” I say placing my hand on my stomach. Hoping nothing bad happens to him. “My name is Alistair, and your child is the only one who has the blood line that we need to awaken our kingdom.” My face grows with fear hoping I miss heard him. “So you’re just going to kill him? How can you do that?” tears stream down my face as his hand wipes them away he says “no not kill, crown, he has to be the ruler. I know you have heard the story though your family of the first born son every 5 generations magically vanishing after reaching the age of 16, we are why. They come to us. We have the agreement with your family since the beginning of the human race. We will prevent any harm from coming to anyone in your family cure any illness that comes to you all for the first born son every 5 generations. If you wish to not give him to us we all will die, and I know you have fallen for one of us. Would you be able to live with yourself if you lost your lover? Simply because you went against your family and their agreement with us?” he gets up and walks away I fall asleep and drifting off to a dream shortly after, thanking about everything that has happened the past few days and trying to understand what it all means. ♢ "mom who are my real parents? What do you know about them? What were they like?" I ask as curiously as 8 year old could, as mama avoids the question and goes about her day as she normally did. Father was never home so I was never able to ask him although I would probably get the same reaction from him as I did. I loved them to death but really why were they always avoiding the topic of my real parents? If they didn’t want to answer the questions than why did they bother telling me they weren't my birth parents. One day I remember them saying something about my family, my real family. But I could only make out part of what was said. "We took her in to protect her from the fate coming to her, we can't let her know about them we can't let her try to find them. If they find her we would had failed as parents. Birth parents or not we have a responsibility to protect her even after she's grown and has kids of her own." And then they stopped talking I don't understand what did they mean? What were they talking about if they find me? ♢ I awaken from the dream and look over at the clock, 3:52am; I get up and get some water then head back to bed. I lay back down thinking about why my dream took back to when I was 8, then I remembered that box of things that belonged to mom before her passing, she told me to open it if anything strange happened to me and that the book would explain everything. But it was late so I didn't want to get up and look through it now. My due date was in just under a week so I needed my rest. I got up and put the book in the hospital bag, I'll read it when I get there if I have the time to. I get back in bed finishing my water and going back to sleep ♢ "where am I, it’s so dark? Who are you? Why do you have me here? What's with the mask?" I say scared and worried about myself and my son, who I am 7 and a half months along with. "What do you need from me? Money? My car? What do you want?" I say repeating myself. "We have come for your son, your family made us a promise and we are to claim to it, you can either come willingly or you will suffer for you choices. That choice is up to you my dear" I hear a voice say off in the distance, and louder as it come close to me. "What do you want with my child? And how do you know it's a boy? My family hasn’t hardly any male children, there's no way the child could be a male" I say trying to protect him, and hopefully get myself out of the situation. "Also the father no one knows, I kept him out of anything no one knows who the father is so you can't be basing it on that." I say in a wavering confidence as I turn and begin to walk away. He stops me saying “if you walk out of here he will not live. But you stay he may” I stop and look at him agreeing to stay hoping that whatever is panned doesn’t hurt me or the child. They lead me to another room and start touching and analyzing my body I try to run and am thrown down, twisting my ankle as I fall, unable to get up I try crawling away. He stands in front of me my body freezes and I just look at him. Finally able to speak I ask “why me? So many people around the world, why me?” I just lay there and begin giving up when a bright light comes out of nowhere and when I was able to see again I realized I was back in my room. But now I have major pains and cramps in my abdomin. ♢ I wake up screaming from pain, thinking it was just from the dream at first and my reliving the past. Then I realize that it’s not from the dream I try to call for Alistair or Brian hoping someone hears me. But I had no luck reaching them. I manage to get to my phone witch was on the dresser on the far side of the room and called for help. Assuming it was labor pains I asked to be taken to the labor delivery buliding instead of the main emergancy room unit, explaining that my due date was in 3 days. ☆Some time later☆ I awake from my short 15 minute nap after hours of labor and wishing someone was there. I look around the hospital room for my child, but he isnt there, I see Brian sitting in the corner but i pretend i dont notice him. Wondering what had happened and what will happen or may happen next. "He will be fine" Brian said walking over to my bedside. "Where were you! I called for you i begged for you! Why were your not here? Why did you not come? You promised me Brian!" I say to him my eyes swealing up in tears. He sits on the bed and pulls me close him comforting me as i lay there crying into him. I hear a voice, it sounds almost like Alistair but far more soothing. I look up to see a man in all black his covered by the shadow of a hood showing only jis mouth. "Let her go. She will be fine, we have stuff to do." The man said I clinged to Brian and and begged him to leave me "i need you here i need someone i can trust here." I said crying into him again holding him tightly "You will be fine my child everything is placed in motion do not worry" Bryan said to me as me walked away. "What do you mean sat in motion whats going to happen to me, to my son, to you? Will you please tell me what the hell is going on now. I gave you the child like you wanted i gave my body to your people they asked. I think its about i get some answers. Dont you?" "In time" Brian said as he walked out. The man in blacked lookex at me and said "dont fear anything. No one will end up hurt if you just keep following the rules" "What rules? I havent been a damn thing about anything. Just answer my questions" i scream at him. As he leaves the room as well. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes hoping to find tge answers with im myself. Then i remember the book. I get it out of my over night bag and begin to read it. Hopeing to find answers to my questions or lest some kind of cearity. (More at a later date.) (If you have ideas on what should be added leave me a comment)
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