I Wonder
Read Count : 165
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I wonder what's it's like to never be in pain. To be able to fall asleep without waking up from the pain. I want to run and not have to stop because of the pain. I want to play basketball without having to say I can't do something because of my back. I want to be normal. Is that too much to ask for? I want to do what normal kids do. I want to go to football games. I couldn't go the last game and my best friend that I hadn't seen in two weeks and wouldn't see for another two months was there. And I couldn't go because my back hurt too much. I want to be able to freaking turn a corner without having to gasp in pain! I want to bend over and not wince because of my rods. Constantly, day and night, the rods in my back pinch me. It feels like a large needle being injected into me and a scorpion pinching me at the same time. I have to sit out because of this. I'm tired of it. I want to be normal. But no. I had to be diagnosed with a spinal deformity called scoliosis at age 11. I had to undergo spinal fusion scoliosis surgery less than a month after I turned twelve. My spinal curves progressed farther in six months than most victim's curves progress in three years. And then something minor went wrong in the surgery. I'm now in more pain than I was before. My life is ruined. Thanks scoliosis. ---- The cover photo is a picture of my before and after x-ray blended