The Walk Read Count : 138

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
October, Halloween 2017

2 guys and 2 girls and one dog went for a walk on Halloween to get to a party. they saw a short cut to the party and followed. They went 
into the woods and and the guy Jack tripped on a twig with blood on it. Jack screamed as loud as he could . Beth said people can here him from Russia. Jack laughed and started walking. Sara said it was fake blood because it was to dark. when blood hits oxygen it turns brighter.later they heard something walking. the dog barked like crazy and Timmy looked and saw a person in bright colors holding a ballon.  Sara saw it and said it was a clown. everyone laughed. they started walking and the clown followed.the clown started running after them and the dog barked. the girls turned around in fear. the clown started running at them holding a knife. everyone ran the dog attacked the clown and the clown started to bleed. the dog ran after his owners and caught up with them. they looked back and saw the clown dead. but then Timmy got stabbed by some other clown and screamed. everyone ran the dog followed Timmy was left behind. Later they got to the party and called 911.


  • add another part i loved this but your leaving me hanging

    Oct 31, 2017

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