First Love Read Count : 145

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
   He sat closer to me than he ever had before. I could see the football field lights reflected in his eyes. The rain was pouring down on our school field. He was staring at my lips. 
Go on ... I thought. Just kiss me.
   He smiled and bit his lower lip causing a ruckus of butterflies to fly loose in my stomach. He was close enough to touch.
This was going to be my first kiss.

   He leaned ever closer keeping his eyes locked on mine. His right hand delicately found its way into my hair. Our foreheads were touching.

   You are amazing.

   His lips were warm against mine. Our lips fitting like two lost pieces of a puzzle. He kissed me awkwardly sending shivers no up my spine. We closed the rest of the distance as the kiss deepened sending a new set of feelings rampant in my system.

   Soon our lips parted leaving mine chilled. The home team scored the winning touchdown in a buzzer beater finale.

   As the applause errupted I leaned in and kissed him again slowly. He smiled the geekiest smile that only he could produce. That was the most magical night of my life. That was my first love.

   Several years later I was at a college football game sitting alone on the wet bleachers. And just like a memory a familiar face sat down next to me. We haven't seen each other in three years.

     Remember me?

     How could I forget?

  He was my first love. A heart can never forget something like that.


  • Mak Doe

    Mak Doe


    Nov 22, 2017

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