All I Ever Wanted Read Count : 137

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I have only ever desired to be a simple and humble bayonet in the service of one who is worthy. All i ever needed was simple in its idea. But so hard to grasp at in its reality. I only ever wanted to be a savior to the ones i love. To be stronger in the abyss that is the minds of men. All i ever hoped for was to be with a loved one while we watched the world burn. Do i want to watch the world burn? Do i want to serve or lead? Could i lead? And i capable of completing? Who am i to you and who are you to me? What if we all just layed down and started to stare at the sky and whisper to each other the meanings of our individual lives?. Soft voices carrying over ocean streams coming to tell me your secrets. Sounds like a wonderland or a wasteland. Sounds like it was meant to be but it sounds like all i ever wanted was either so simple or just redundant.


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