Read Count : 117
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
Hi I'm a 13 year old boy I love to fight I'm in a Fight Club I took a mortialarts I thought it would give me an edge over every one else every sentence my dad left and didn't won't me a round so I started fighting the group of guys watched me Fight they approached me in the lunch room in school and invited me to the club we don't discus Fight Club with only one out side fight club and tonight is my first fight I'm Nieves I helf to prove my self the internet boys are older than me so wish me luck April 1last night went well the u mortialarts gave me an Edge to nights fight club is going to be cool well last night went good ibroke a guy's arm and nose Mickey broke a guy's leg cj crackt a guy's ribs Ben black a guy's eyes them busted a guy's head open tomrowe were going to a tayqando class they sindup for just like me I hopped it hose well fight club is fun my mom sed I need counseling but Isay no I don't but I need I'm ling to my self esteem do
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