Zombies Part 1
Read Count : 122
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
One day me and my friends went in to the woods and we then just walked around like a normal day just hanging out and then we see some thing that looks just like a zombie and my friend l.j said " is that a zombie?!?!?" And I said back "yeah I think it is come on guys lets go" and we all said we are not going to tell are parents Its the next day and like just got out of school and then tell my mom bye and I feel so bad for not telling her but I did not and then I went and then we went back down there to see the zombie like thing and it was not there IT WAS NOT THERE Then we all went to are spot and there he was but this time tide up to a tree and so then we go to a nother meatimg spot to hang out and a zombie is there to and tied up to a tree and we are all so sacred because we are the only ones who know about the meeting spots.