Psycho's Games: One Knief
Read Count : 147
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
They say, we are all meant to live. They say, we only die once. They say, love blinds. They say, love heals. Who are 'they'? Whoever 'they' are, I would say that 'they' lied. Except for the 'love blinds' thing. That is true. So why do we only die once? I like to think we live once, but from the hell I have walked through, I could say that I have already died. I could say from experience that, once you die, taking another's life is easier. No regret, no guilt. Now you must be thinking that I'm a monster. Well not really. I am the monster this world wanted me to be. Now you're thinking that, how does the world turn people into a monster. Well here's an easy answer. Be completely rejected from the world then tell me why your a monster. Monster, not in the terms, fading skin, bald head, creepy fingers that have long nails and a face that can scare Chuck Norris. Na, not that kind of monster.
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