Chapter 1: PERCEPTION Read Count : 119

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Reference
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes" quoted from Walt Whitman. 

Can you believe it ?! One of the most powerful vessels on earth began to question his own persona. Why Though? Because we falter with others "Perceptions" of our own lives. I mean, it's ok to take in  for the most part when you are ready for change due to the fact of others personal opinions about the way you dress, walk, talk, even about your past.. you've been EFFECTED. The question is to You: Will you change because of others perceptions about you? Or because of Devine obedience? We find ourselves believing in what was meant to destroy us. Of course, first impression is that main street of others personal perceptions and or opinions about you. You may think you're not being watched but in reality of your poisoned self esteem MENTALITY, Every person is studying & preying on your every move.

In Addition To That, We fail to remember how valuable & radiant we are. "She so self centered" or "he think hes special because of a little attention" or "I can't stand the way she talk''- words like these comes out of people's mouth to other people who don't even know you that is creating HATRED/ENVY/HERESY & Mis-interpretations about the truth of who you really are to the people who have never seen or heard about you *until now* or EVER BEFORE. 

We falter & cry over spilled milk when we know better. We do know how beautiful we are or can be. Some people birth that in Difderent ways... Ive studied and writen down every detail on every person that i helped tgat have grown by performing one of the 7 you see below that i call 

The 7 Acts Of Growth 

1)Moving to another atmosphere
2) Changing Your ways/Company 
3)Death in fam/friendship 
4)Motivational music 
5)Broken Hearted 
6)Working/Gym/Performing Arts Etc.
7) Devine calling 

No Matter what, we yet can grow from negativity. Being important to yourself is all it takes. Then youll realize how much love you have for yourself when others have given their ass to kiss when really all you deserve was love & LOYALTY. If failure prevail...Then low self esteem kicks in and will grow into depression. 

"I've had low self-esteem. Lol at times it comes back but not as much. I would have to say that the reason why is because some times I felt like I was in competition with my cousins. I knew that I was different from them and because of that I was treated differently by family. And then when I came out I thought that it would give me a little confidence boost. But that didn't happen 😂😂 I mean I did but then I felt like I had to be twice as good. Like I had alot to prove. Ex's treated me like shit lol made me feel like being a feminine gay guy was a crime lol. And I saw myself becoming very mean and petty asf😂😂😂 I'm still petty but I'm not mean. But I think the moment when I over came all of it was when I found out my status and I didn't care what anybody had to say about me anymore. I just started living my life for me and doing things I wanted to do. I felt free. And once I felt free I realized how much power I had. I promised myself I will never let anyone control or make a path for me in life anymore. And it had to start with me. I pulled myself from feeling sorry for myself and started feeling love for myself. It wasn't easy but it had to be done lol. And of course I had good friends around me everyday pushing me and my sister. And I stayed prayed up. Lol " 
quoted from Romi.  

Noticed romi didn't just give up just because others salted him.. he grew based on Devine Calling 

So what your an stripper, escort, or an janitor for the worlds Lamest corp. Know within yourself that you are an survivalist making things happen Your Way to make sure food is in your stomach. People will always see you as Righteous or sane, its up to you to give them either their facts about you or the TRUTH THAT LIES WITHIN YOU. Your no carpet to be walked on and flourished. Your just as greater as kings & Queens that may be irrelevant to others perceptions about you, YET IMPORTANT BECAUSE YOU WERE THE TOPIC OF THEIR CONVERSATION. At the end of the day . 


Chapter 1 -Perception 
Anthony Q. Robinson J.r. (Ra) 


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