The Lost One Read Count : 152

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 1
    "Bethany, where are you? We need to get going or we're going to miss our flight!", my mother yelled. We are taking a trip to Greece for the summer. The only thing I'm excited about is learning a new language and the architecture. But, truthfuly I hope there is going to be at least one boy that is remotely cute. Though it probably won't happen, but a girl could dream, right? Anyway, as I rushed down the stairs to the living room where my mom waited, I remembered my translation book was on my bed.
    I said, "I'll meet you in the car mom, I need to grab my book" then I took off up the steps almost falling in my haste. When I got into the car, mom took off before I put on my seat belt.
   My name is Bethany Rose Hammson. My dad passed away from lung cancer when I was twelve, his name was Charles Ray Hammson. Also, my mom's name is Elizabeth Myer Rose Hammson. She kept dad's last name because it made her feel closer to him. Truthfuly, I don't think she ever got over his death. I am waiting for my birthday in two weeks because I will turn 18. Then, I can go anywhere without supervision from the crazy lady called Mom. Maybe she will let me take a few courses and at a small Greek college such as Stayer University or Drury University. 
    When we finally got to the airport we paid for parking and ran to our gate. We made it just in time before the gate closed. We went to our seat, buckled in, and got ready for the flight. 
   When we landed all we could see were busy streets and lots of people. My mom smiled and looked at me. She said, "Look at this place! It's wonderful. . . beautiful! I'm so happy we came."
   "Same mom, same." And as we went to find the baggage claim, I seen a guy leaning against the wall staring at us. So I asked, "Mom, do you know that guy in the leather jacket?"
   " Umm. . . well yes. . . he's. . . going to be your step dad."
   " What Mom? How could you!? How dare you! Why? Why would you ruin dad's memory with being with another man?", I shouted and ran to were our bags were, found my bag, and ran out of the airport and into the street. I could hear the strange man yelling my name. Why would my mother, the one who claims she loves me, go and do this with out okaying it with her own daughter? Or for that matter, mention she had a new boyfriend or fiance or what ever he is. 
   Then suddenly I bumped into some one. I mumbled , "Sorry." And went to run again when the person grabbed my arm and said something in Greek I didn't understand. So I asked,"μιλάς αγγλικά?"(do you speak english?) 
   "Yes, not well." He said he had a thick Greek accent and a really deep, yet oddly mesmerising voice. "Are okay?" 
   "Yes, thank you. I am very sorry about running into you."
   "It okay. Are lost?" 
   "No. Well, sort of. I ran from my mom because she made me mad and now I have to find her."
  "You need help?"
  "Yes, that would be nice thanks."
  As we walked looking for my mom I realized he didn't make sound when he walked. It was like we were in another world I couldn't seem to hear anything but my footsteps and trying to find the sound of his. Suddenly my phone went off. "Oh, o forgot I had this... Hello... Yes, mom it's me... Yes I'm fine and was looking for you. I mad a new friend and he was helping me look for you... Yes I'll meet you there as soon as we get there... No your not forgiven. At least not till I meet this guy and find out what kind of guy he is... Yes, bye see you soon."
   "You find her?"
   "Yes, thank you. But do you mind walking with me to the front I don't know my way around I don't want to get obducted."
   "I not mind."
   "Thanks. Um... You never told me your name."
   "It Stelios Demetriou. You name?"
   "Oh, mine is Bethany Hammson."
   "Pretty. I like." I turned as red as a lobster. I was flattered and could find any words to say so I looked at my feet till I felt a hand on my elbow and gentle fingers under my chin lifting my head till I looked in to a set of wonderful golden green eyes. It was golden around the pupil and faded into a deep emerald green. 
    "You name is pretty as you is."
    "Thank you. I don't know what to say I'm not used to being complimented."
   "You be compliment all time."
   "Thank you."
   "πολύ ευπρόσδεκτη. You welcome."
  "You know I understand some Greek I've been studying it before this trip so I wasn't completely clueless."
  "Yes, and it's quite interesting. I know several languages such as French, German, Spanish, and many others."
   "I think you mean interesting." I laughed lightly and looked around but I could not see my mom anywhere yet. "Were you raised here in Greece?"
    "How old are you?"
   "18, soon 19."
   "Cool I'm almost 18. 12 more days and then I will be."
   "Nice. You see you mother?"
   "Um...." I stood on my tippy toes but couldn't see much," I can't see much but what I can see.. oh..." He picked me up and set me on his shoulder. I understand I'm not big but in not tiny either. I weigh 116 and I'm 5'3". 
   "You see now?"
   "Yes, thank you. Um... I think she's by that bench there it looks like her." As we walked that way I let my mind wander and suddenly asked," Do you think you could visit me I'd like to get to know you better you seem like a great guy and your really fun to be around. And maybe we could help each other with our languages. So what do you think?" 
   "That be fun. Will walk you to you mom then go and ask mine if that okay."
   "Sounds like a plan. Um... May I call you Sam?'
   "Okay. Hey Mom!"
   My mom turned and yelled," Bethany Rose Hammson! Where have you been I've been so worried who is this man and why was he lifting you up earlier!"
   "Mom calm down this is Stelios Demetriou. You can call him Sam. He is my new friend and will be visiting the hotel sometime to help me with my Greek and I'm going to help him with his English."
    "Nice meet you. Sorry, English not strong suit of me."
    Mom said," it's okay I'm sorry


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