Return Of The Mummy (chapter 3)
Read Count : 168
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
I wanted to run but it felt like something was holding me back.There i saw it.A disgusting looking creature,ready to attack any moment. It was so strange looking i couldn't describe it."Run,"i yelled to Maddie and the others."RUN!"Maddie stood there frozen.I started tugging her.The others were half way out. "RUN!"I yelled again.Louder this time.The creature was as big as my foot.Maddie then looked away from the creature.She let her eyes adjust and turned to me. "Why couldn't you just leave me?"she said."YOUR CRAZY!"I yelled at her."NO TIME TO TALK!TIME TO WALK...OR RUN!" The creature walked off the wall,and stepped close to us.Closer,closer.I was so scared.Maddie and I started at the way out.We ran as fast as we could.As i turned around,the creature was coming at us in full speed. I turned back around and ran faster.Maddie already made her way out.As i came out the pyramid,i saw Uncle Jimmy and Lucy waiting for us.As i stepped out,the creature came out also,and its skin started to smoke,burn.I sighed in relief as the creature went back inside the pyramid. "What was that?"questioned Maddie."Never saw it,never heard of it,"said Uncle Jimmy.We all chatted a little more about that creature.Then,we went inside our tents."So,"said Lucy."What are we gonna do next?" I shrugged."Killing the creature sounds fun,"said Maddie."It almost scared me to death!" "Something less bloody?" I shrugged again.We talked a little more and ate some of Lucy's cooking.Then,it got dark.I felt sleepy.I drifted off to sleep. Lucy,and the others,also went inside their tents.I heard more chatter,but i was to sleepy to listen.I heard screaming,and gun shots.I was trying to get up and see what was happening,but it was to late.I was asleep. 4/2 rates,and i'll make chapter 4!Cya!
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