Read Count : 167
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
With a huge push and screams in agony, the sweat pouring down her face, beading up and dripping onto her hospital gown. Her hand claws and grasps the nervous father-to-be's sleeve. He bites his lips because in her frustration, she grips not only his clothing, but his skin too. Like a superhuman vice, she squeezes and he drops to his knees in pain. With an almighty exhale and push, baby entered this world. However...There was no screams or crying... there was silence. As mother watched helpless and confused, nurses and doctors hastily darted around the room. Backwards and forwards and mumbling in such odd ways that mother had no idea what was happening. Then slowly, a doctor raises a purple-blue, limp body of a little boy. The umbilical cord tied in a solid knot around his throat, suffocating him. The parents are distraught, on looking as the hospital staff frantically try to save the poor child. Then with a precise snip of scissors, like an elastic band snapping, the cord releases it's death grip. The body, limp and blue, has a faint beat in his chest. The parents don't even get to see their new boy before he's rushed into a critical health unit. He's in a coma. Maybe he wasn't supposed to survive, but some how, he did. While the baby was in his little plastic prison, air tubes and liquids invading his poor fragile body and kept alive by science. The doctors head back to brief the parents on the status of, what was supposed to be, their bundle of joy. "I'm afraid young man is in a coma. Their may be brain damage or he may not survive. He's critical....but currently stable." And like that, the month of May had turned to darkness for the parents. Not knowing if they're ever going to see their first born son, not knowing if he'll survive, grow up, laugh, cry or love... what if he never wakes up from the coma? They will never see his smile, hear his laugh or see his eye colour. They haven't even had chance to give their son a name. To hold or touch him. There's so many emotions coursing through them both, they take a breath and name him. They want a name of a fighter, hoping that somehow it gave him the strength though make it into their arms. But what? It can't be just any old name. Then they remember, the father's father escaped Nazi Germany. He was tortured and burnt, beaten, bound and bruised... but he escaped. He was a good strong man, a loyal family man... A man that survived hell and came through as a kind friend and a great dad. So... why not name him after him?. And like that, the baby boy had a name. Work in progress.