The Failer Of Musilm To The World
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Asalamualikum to everyone who reads this blog. My name is Ayyub Abdul Isha. I have been a Muslim for about ten years, and over that Time I have seen that us as muslims, who say we follow the teachings of prophet Mummand my Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. Have failed to up hold those teaching's with are actions. As Muslims we tell people that Islam is the way of peace, but how can we say Islam is a way of peace and submission to Allow (saw) when we have no peace with in the Muslim community. And on top of the fact that we have brothers in the Dawah scene that fell like it is there right to blast sisters on social media for things that they are doing. Where as these brothers came from the same Haram acts. So I don't get mad when the non Muslim are say the things that they do because it is us who give them the very ammo to use guest us. We think shows like Deen Show helps us, but that is far from the truth. It actually is hurting us as a community because they only show the good side of Islam. And they what to get mad when the main stream media shows the bad side of the Islam. But the real problem is that no matter how much we try to show the main stream media that we don't condone the acts of the radicals of Islam, we have shown them a different face. And now that we are paying for our conplacence, now we want to come out with shows like the Deen Show and all the rest. Brothers and Sisters stafallah where were all these things before. So I say that we really need to look at are self's as a community and fix what is wrong with us before we try to fix the non Muslim. Asalamualikum brothers and sisters Rate and comment
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