The Angel Of Hope (Chapter 1)
Read Count : 162
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
The Angel of Hope(Chapter 1, part 1) My name is Hope. I am the angel of Hope. The world is based on levels. The number one above us all is God and his son Jesus. The second level are God's Angels, the third are the different gods that are in this world. As the list goes on to fairies, trolls, vampires, animals, and all the good creatures out there. But, whats bellow use all, are humans. They don't earn respect from all the creatures. Humans are also known as, "The Sinners". Every living thing knows about the Sinners, and how much they hurt our forgiving God. No matter how much they hurt our God, he still forgives them. And he still wastes his angels to protect and give the humans what they ask for. But the humans don't know about Angels and Vampires, fairies, trolls, and of course demons. Demons aren't on God's list. Demons are on the devil's list. But like i said. Humans just live their lives without knowing the wars and fights that happen when they aren't looking. If only they knew how many angels come and help them with their troubles. If only they knew how much we go through just to keep them alive. If it wasn't for our God, the humans would of all died. By: Daisy Vasquez