Game Idea Read Count : 164

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
If anyone is reading this I just want to say this is not complete and I am not good at writing this is something I have just thought of for a game I want to make and I know this is full of errors.

Grail online


A land that is never ending and blooming with endless opportunities. This land is full of mythical creatures and items. There is no set story line or main quest that every other game has. you are not the one to save everyone from a evil force just like every other player is doing. The players are the ones who make this world what it is To making quests and dungeons down to the monsters. All items that are made by players can be a quest reward for all kinds of quests like beat a dungeon that as a deadly boss/unknown creature when a quest is uploaded to the bounty board anyone can accept it regardless of level but once a quest is accepted by a player he has 24 hours to beat it if it is not beat within its time limit or you fail it is reposted on the bounty board  with your name and party members who have failed. All quests require a standard fee of coin to post on the bounty board the fee will range in price on the difficulty the harder it is the more it cost the easy ones will be less or free on how easy it is but when a player fails the quest the coin is increased for the reward but does not take more coin from the player who posted it the more that fail the more the coin doubles along with the experience reward. The person that posted the quest will receive a huge amount of experience but no gold if the quest is attempted and failed multiple times you get more experience the more people attempt it. Say you have a life skill you are working on and need some supplies put a quest up for the supplies you need. nothing like getting some experience and the things you need to finish or Start a project then make some coin or better items for yourself.

Dungeons : (there will be a level system to making dungeons) so you can make your own quests and rewards say you make a dungeon and you don't need to make a quest for it or just don't want to you can set a quest reward from someone else say a friend or someone that wants to increase the difficulty of their quest.

Combat : so the combat will be true combat so if your weapon does not actually hit them it will miss and no damage will be received. The combat will be skill based you can block all attacks if you have the aptitude. When attacked by a player or monster you will see a red line in which direction the attack will be coming from depending on the speed , weapon and skills of said monster/player some will be easy to block and some you will have less then a second to block or dodge. You could be a player at level 10 and beat a level 100 because they just couldn't keep up with your skill but it would still be hard to do and most people could not do it stats still mean a lot when it comes to combat.

Monsters : monsters can rage from just animals to huge monsters and unknown creatures that have never been seen before when a monster is discovered for the first time it gets a mark in the information page about the monster and who discovered it the monster also gets a mark above it telling everyone it has been discovered but if you find a monster that is really strong and you die by it it will remain undiscovered. There is a life skill so you can make monsters yourself when you make monsters you get experience for how long they stay alive in the world and how many players they kill you get more experience for players they kill. Your monsters can become a staple in the game depending on how good they do. When you make a weak monster they produce more at a faster pace but the higher the level the slower they produce

World : when the game begins you and every other player will start in a place called town of beginnings. When you start there you will be able to buy whatever weapon you want to start with when walking around the town you will be able to hear all the players around you but it will be subtle and you can set it to hear every one or not and change the volume of the voices the closer someone is the louder it gets. You can also run into players so you will not be able to run through players but you can jump over them or climb walls or jump from roofs to get around or maybe even fly. The world will be randomly generated except the starting area the town of beginnings will be in the middle of this land in the top left corner will be a tundra land and top right will be the forest bottom right will be dessert bottom left will be land of death which will be the hardest one of them all given the name it won't have much vegetation. The time it will take a player to go from the town of beginnings to the end of one side of the map will take about a month in real time if the didn't stop at all but when a player or party reaches a end of one of the sides they will have a option to create a new section of the world as big as the starting land it will take a long time for this to update the world but if you decide to make it it will be randomly generated in the type of zone you were in so if you were in the tundra area when you reached the end it would be another tundra area but with more stuff to do and a couple of new towns. In each section of the world map there will be a tower that can range from 20 to 200 or maybe more in these towers are towns on certain Floors so you can take a break or as a save point so you can come back to it at a later time. But at the top of each of these towers is a weapon that no one has and hold immense power enough power that a level 5 could kill a boss at level 150 you can also find armor and many other items at the top floors in these towers but once a tower is beat that tower is destroyed and rebuilt but with much more floors and increased difficulty but better rewards. Each time a tower is beat and when it is rebuilt again the player or party members will have their names engraved on a pillar on the first floor of the tower each tower has a town on the first floor of it.

Player's death : when a player dies it is permanent death but it will not be too bad you can still keep all your items but to get back all your experience will take some time but not as much when you first started. To get back all your experience fairly quickly you can try and kill the last monster that killed you to get it back most likely you will need help with that but you will not lose any of the experience if you have people help you there will be a separate board in town that is meant to help players to get their experience back when players do this for other players they will receive a random reward it could be a big sum of coin/experience or  better weapons/armor or crafting material that is hard to obtain. But if you don't go that route to get your experience back you can just kill some monsters to get back your experience because when you come back after dying you get a huge experience boost until you reach your level you were when you died so what took 10 days of work can be done in 1 or 2 hours the boost will only stop when you reach your level when you first died if you die when this booster is active your experience will be at 0 again and you can still get back to the level from the beginning there will be difficulties when making your character there will be normal and then permadeath with permadeath your experience gain Is increased  along with rare loot drop chance and random events and increased gained stats and stat points per level but if you die that character is deleted and all experience is gone but you keep the items they are stored in your warehouse or house depending on which way you have it set.

Players stats : a player's character will have stamina,health,mana,energy, hunger,exposure,and diseases.                                                             Energy is like stamina it will slowing drain when you do things like anything to do with skills and fighting will drain it faster energy is meant to make the game a little more realistic if you go outside right now and fight some monsters for 5 hours do you think you would be tired you should be and when you get tired you need sleep to replenish that energy back right so your character will do the same but you don't have to sleep for a long time just got to a pub or camp if you have camping gear now when you are at a pub you can buy a drink that will replenish your energy to full these drinks can not be in your inventory you will have to go to a pub and order them there in pubs there will be games to play with your friends like card games and karaoke there will be events in pubs all the time every thing you do in this game will give you exp so you never feel like you are wasting your time.                                            Hunger we all know what this is when the hunger bar is full your stamina and energy will drain slower but if your hunger bar is low your stamina and energy will drain faster so keep up on the hunger bar you can either find food in the wild or buy some from a store or player that has a cooking skill.                Exposure is the effects of the weather to your character you will never have to change your armor for the exposure there will be a special slot that is meant for exposure and does not show on your character it is meant to just be for exposure. If exposed to the climates you will be debuffed from the weather like slowed down and many other.            Diseases can be contracted from many things and can be cured fairly easy depending on the disease you can get them from monsters wild animals players that have them on their weapons. If you decide to ignore the disease it will get worse and some will kill you as most will make it so you can't even leave a bed at that point you will need help if you don't have anyone to help you you can post a quest right from your bed 

Status effects: 

Loot drops : loot will be random when killing a monster after you kill a monster and all combat is done you will be presented with a window of what you have got from all the monsters you have killed. Loot can range from to weapons to armor crafting material,coins,to true maps and chests l. Chests will give you a chance at random loot.

Housing : you will be able to make your own house on plots of land that allow houses some plots will have some spots near it or all by itself when you make a house there can only be one house in that plot of land so it will be your house and only your house you can expand house to get bigger once a house gets big enough you can make it to be your clan's headquarters 

Life skills

Blacksmith : A blacksmith can make weapons and armor anyway he/she decides to make it every piece will be different than any other piece anyone has ever made . You get to make it with your style and people can buy from you but when you make an item there is only one of them you can keep it or sell it to another player. 

Tailor : a tailor will be able to make whatever style they wish to make this game aims to make it so every player has a different outfit than any other player. With all crafting skills if you start to become recognized by other players as a good tailor your reputation will increase making it easier for players to find your name first while looking at tailors to find so you will get more customers but when you make a outfit you only have 1 of that outfit you can't sell the same item multiple times but you can make it again.

Farmer : you will be able to plant any plant that is in the game. Now this game's land is never ending and everything is constantly changing. 


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