Settled Dust (prt 2)
Read Count : 141
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Thriller
(Authors Note: This is the second part, you should probably read the first part then read this one) Auden, clasped his mouth to silent the air passing through his lips, and clenching his knees to his chest inside the rusty bathtub. The Blackface was just in arm reach from him right outside of the thin curtains that kept him hidden. With every click that the creature made, it seemed him as if the curtain grew thinner and more transparent. The black face continued to lick up the puddle left behind from the plastic bottle and once it satisfied its thirst it began to turn away and back out of the bathroom. Suddenly, Audens small battery powered radio created some screeching static followed by a voice. "Auden? You there?". Auden quickly tried reaching for the radio at his hip to quite it, but it was to late. The creature, barley making it out the door heard the noise and instinctively charged for the sound clicking its nails and screeching in a hunger induced rage. It crashed into the curtain, slashing its nails wildly as the curtain tangled around its head. Auden took the small chance he had to slide past the blackface quickly grabbing his bag, racing out of the bathroom and raising down the hall heading for the stairs to reach the exit. It wasn't until Auden reached the head of the stairs that he realized the pain in his right arm, the blackface managed to slice him from his shoulder to the length of the back of his forearm. The cut was deep enough for Auden to see the white flesh under his skin. The blood ran down to his finger tips soaking his sleeve and then hitting the floor. (Authors Note: Leave a comment and like)
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