Knowledge Read Count : 155

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
First off u wont know alot about space and government im about to share my research 

First off u may not believe about aliens but i researched from age 12 threw now 19 but i have visions dreams talks with others and research 

So before there was life on earth there was a place called nibiru a planet [ also known as planet x or mothership ] but they had life species called annunakis and greys 

They wanted to find atomic gold to stop from ageing which if they find it they would slow down body energy which will allow them to teleport and time travel

So they first went to mars couldnt find it then they went to earth they found it so they created white race males and slaved them to dig for the gold 

Then they created women from the rib bones blood narrow and started to make them multiple with males 

After awhile they made pathways then  the annunakis and greys seperated greys went back to nibiru and annunakis stayed on earth with the white race they created 

After years each whites and annunakis also known as the black race was living together peacefully without slavory

Then the whites slave the blacks aka annunakis like we know happen in history books an the greys got mad and spyed an been ploting to destroy earth 

But when area 51 happen we captured a couple of grays an the government tourtured them for information an they gave us technology an we gave them atomic gold 

Then the war for asonan bin ladon was for the information we wanted we found out they had the stargate 

The stargate is the passway to nibiru the interartic is another passway where greys an annunakis can come to earth which its to cold for us to live an make it there 

So when we went to war with bin ladon we killed him week 2 but the war lasted longer so any time we go to war it for technology not land or money 

Us government when they catch greys they lock them in a underground prison they let the annunakis live amongst us 

Recently 2017 i been born on 1998 but when i was 15 i was told i had knowledge they want [greys] im white but now im 19 i had 2 phone calls 

August i was told on a unknown number we will protect u now October i was called by a unknown number stop talking to people about ur knowledge and they said we know where u are 

So i wrote this to show people what among us like why u think theres been alot of killings and terrorist attacks they control us 

Half of us we control the other they do they made us and manipulate us they want as much of us dead as possible for when they take over there wont be as many 

Why u think we go to war and one might happen soon they want the government weak for when they attack there be less than us than them there will be survivors

Well i hope this artical about my knowledge helps 


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