A Halfling Meets Her King Read Count : 98

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Samuel finally seemed afraid and to his credit; he did act like bait. This Kveldulf (Shadow Hound) was bigger than Henry at his fatest. I am Adelaide Boleyne and I usually don't play with mortals but this Creole/Cajun boy got to me.

I expected the Kveldulf to be in wolf form and he had changed in front on Samuel. The poor man's mind was blown even if this was New Orleans.

"What in the bloody hell are 'ye doing mate? I should rightly kill'ye!"

The hound's humanoid form was rustic handsome. The rumors on the other side was they populated and straddled modern Greece.

Full bloods could survive off of negatives who populated the shadow realm. There was blood and auras of course. My grandfather's grandfather brought into the Shadow Realm a type of Bison and a bovine called Auroch. Both animals were extinct...feeding an empire solved but what of different types of peoples to protect the Cherra/Shouten food source.
The Kveldulf (Shadow Hound).

"What's a halfling doing away from Astana; I thought they treated your kind like precious dolls.” the Hound meant insult. 

I am not sure if it was the fact he had faced me humanoid or if I was just attracted to him. 

"Most halflings are kept at Astana. I have the benefit of Thei and Sindari. You promise not to eat the locals.” I said tired and grumpy. 

" You did not introduce yourself to me.” the Hound complained. 

"I am Adelaide Beta Boleyne. Now, I really must get my friend back to Quarter.” I mumbled. 

" I am Myron Zervos.” it seemed he scented the area and I sighed. 

His hair was a very light brown with many, many Rastafar braids. After I looked at his chiseled featured. 

I had an ability called phasing from my father's side. I phased Samuel back to the building we both stayed in. As I laid him down in his bed; with his clothes still on. He woke a little and pulled me to him short and passion union. 

"I'm going to know Adelaide Boleyn.” he whispered passing out. 

I used three stairs and picked up my small set of keys. I didn't feel anything as I stripped my crop top and my shorts. I had a short silk cami in black with matching girl boxers. I was suddenly grabbed and shockingly laid back on my bed. It was the Shadow Hound; Myron from earlier. 

"Do you want to know why I changed form?” he asked in such a sultry way: I felt electrified. 

"You're a rare Cherra. Powerful yet compassionate.” he whispered in my ear. 

"What do you want with me?” I found my voice. 

Although I was on my back; Myron gently held the back of my head and gently palmed my face. It was then I realized that he was unclothed. The kiss was escalating until I felt HIM. I had to push.. Myron but he stared. While wearing only my camisole and silk boxers; I bowed my head to the floor. 

"So Kveldulf; you think you are good enough for a princess of the tr'Awnhi?” 

"My most gracious Grandfather and lord and master of the Empire.” Adelaide spoke with genuine awe. 

“Things are a bit crazy child of my child.”

I was thrilled to be going home and it was rumored my grandfather;.Maec Ruwon tr'Awnhi was blessed in alchemy; I gulped because the charred remains of Myron was all that was left. Grandfather gave me time to pack.... In my  gut I wondered what Samuel would feel. 



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