He Loves Him Read Count : 169

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
"I'm getting married," 

Zander said, his eyes nowhere near looking ecstatic, but rather giving in to the circumstances of being with a woman he's supposed to love.

Words were stuck in my throat but I fought back the tears forming in my eyes because I couldn't show the man of my dreams that I was beyond hurt. Instead I forced a smile and congratulated him.

Why did it hurt?

We weren't ever together to begin with, but it felt as if my whole world fell apart. Why couldn't I at least tell him that my feelings for him was beyond for a friend?

As I walked away from Zander, I let my tears finally drop, the droplets cascading down my cheeks uncontrollably. I have to let him go, don't I? Why do people say that love is the most wonderful feeling that one can ever be honoured to feel, when right now,

I love him so much, but my heart seems to get more broken as the minutes pass, as if the reasons to smile had faded, been swept away by the reality of never being with the only man who has my heart.

I walked aimlessly through the town, my head hung low and my face a red mess.

That's when my phone buzzed, signalling I had a message.

|Zander : I'll call off the wedding, you're mine, Sean, and I'm forever yours.|


  • nice

    Oct 07, 2017

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