SHE 10.
Read Count : 212
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
Its now....8:pm night time. I walk into the living room where they are. To my surprise...they are still talking.."just like women.gossiping" i smile and say...just to break up the conversation."Josh!!! tessa says loudly...i smirk at her."now now you two!" Her mother says."well miss cameron..its late,we'd best be on our way...right babe?"oh ok yes right! Momma we better go now,we do have those college school test." She tells her mom."well now sweetheart wait! dont worry! the schools only 1/2 mile away from here...why dont you both stay the night?.....you and me can take the master bed room together.......and Josh! Well.........he can stay in the guest room....by himself!"they both look at each other."well mom...ok! Sounds good!" Josh looks at tessa disappointed and whispers...."the guestroom??" Well thats great! Miss cameron says. "thJosh the guest room is on the third floor to your left. Theres blankets,and everything youll need already there."thanks miss cameron" tessa looks, pouty faced at josh." Good night josh" tessa says. to him ..twindling her fingers and smiling."yeah!goodnight tessa....see ya in the morning."josh says sarcasticly. Tessa helps her mom,undress and shower and they both ly down in the greatest enormous king sized master bedroom bed! They chat for 30min.....and then..".yaaawwwn im tired now mother...goodnight!" Okaa goodnight sweety!" They both turn off the side table lights..and sleep.