On The Road Of Wales Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
It was a lovely day.Sitting on a park chair by myself and there were many children sporting around with craziness and fun.I kept watching at them  with jealousy and envy,the pleasure and delight they were brimed with it.Watching them made me retreat to those childhood times where there were merely menories of joy and happiness arising out of all the fun activies.All I could say was frolic and playful.The fishing,the riding,the hiking etc thoughts only of child things,there was nothing saddening.Our hearts pumped with love and occasionally a little quarrels but constant reconcile.It was hard to not regret all these moments.
               Now just a guy who is sentimental and nostalgic but sad in the meanwhile .The guy whose feelings are drifted into a love fantasy world,who imagines himself being carried away with a girl he never met.The girl who resides in a farway land,the land of beautiful landscapes.She comes from a poor and destitute family.Her parents are both farmers.The beauty of this girl is appraised by all the folks in the village both internally and externally.She goes to a school and she grabs the attention of all the boys in her ckass becausd of her beauty.But she is a simple and hardworking who doesn't want to squander her life in petty
Loves for she knows that there is someone  in her life that she longs for forever.
As an ardent writer,I write every dream about her and when I do so she always invokes for me.She calls me to her place and one day I will be able to seal on the road to wales to take her


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