Mentally Unfit
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Fake President said at a dinner attended by high ranking military officials last evening "that this is the calm before the storm". When asked what he meant by storm, he said "you'll see". The moron then proceeded to the dining room to shovel chocolate cake into his orangish face. With two hair trigger situations evolving with North Korea and Iran, why would any non-mentally challenged person lay a non-defined threat out there like this? The only reason that makes sense is he is willing to ignite a war to deflect attention from Mueller's bang, bang silver hammer coming down on his head. If we enter into a war with nuclear consequences, the moron obviously believes the investigation will come to an end. Narcissism on steroids! Forget those spinless politicians: vice president, cabinet and Congress. We need General Kelly and General Mattis to walk into the Oval and have moron taken in for a full mental work-up. From all available evidence, he is unfit to serve. Just ask RexTillerson, Sen. Bob Corker, Republican-TN or Sen. John McCain, Republican-AZ.
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