Writing Prompt: Day 2
Read Count : 135
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Writing prompt: subject "What kind of animal are you?" If we base this off of looks and physical traits, most would say I'm a mouse. I'm petite, agile, and let's face it, I'm pretty damn adorable as well. However, if I base this off of my personality, I'm much more like a lioness. My territorial behaviours over my siblings mimic those of a lioness with her cubs. I'm usually quite laid back but I'm also the one providing for my family and making sure everyone is safe. If anyone comes between me and protecting my family, I show my claws and warn them to back off. If the warning doesn't work, I'm prepared to defend my family no matter what it takes. I don't trust easy and this also reflects a lioness because she is always looking out for her cubs and therefore tends to regard anyone and anything with a wary and keen eye for danger. A lion and lioness are usually quite playful with each other and I'm the same way with a partner. Rough housing with family and friends is also something that's very common to find me doing. Playtime comes often and usually ends with someone winning a competition based game. That, or the bickering that normally ensues a competitive game. There are other animals that reflect my personality but the lioness is the closest match to my behaviours.
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