Five Nights At Amy's Read Count : 178

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
"The werewolf howled at the night.He made terribly loud footsteps,THUD,THUD,THUD,coming closer to you.Your on the wall nowhere to GO.THUD,THUD,THUD,the werewolf comes closer.Closer,and closer.And then it reached you.Opening its mouth,sour hot breath,sharp TEETH.AND THEN-"Emily pulled my shirt and tugged me away."Hey..whats the big deal?"i said."Be quiet.Your werewolf stories are giving Kevin the chills,"said Emily.
          I was really scaring him!i said in my head."He's only 5,"Emily reminded me.Kevin was shaking in fear.He slowly,shookly,went up the stairs,and he got out my phone and called his parents."Mom,dad,im ready to go home now!"I heard him yell.
          Emily gave me a hard shove.She mad angry eyes at me for scaring Kevin."My bad,"i said.Soon,Kevin's parents arrived and Kevin went home.I felt bored so i walked Emily home too."So,"said Emily on our way down the block."So,what if Kevin tells on us Tyler?"Tyler is my name.Im a boy with black hair,and always wears a black jacket.People think im emo.But im not.Emily was my bestest friend.She has red hair,blue eyes,and always wears a yellow jacket with blue pants such as jeans.
           "Who cares,"i said."Atleast we aren't the bad babysitters who doesnt get paid like on the movies."Me and Emily didn't talk much after that.We finally reached Emilys house.Me and Emily waved good-bye and i started going up the block.And i reached my home just in time my parents came driving in the driveway.


                 Next Chapter Coming Soon!


  • Roblox Burrito

    Roblox Burrito

    also school started guys!Imma write a story "BACK TO SCHOOL," maybe tommoroww

    Oct 06, 2017

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