Creature Read Count : 154

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
As I awake I see smoke just over my head and, the in pain my stomach was almost unbearable.There was load shots that filled my ears. Then I look down and there was a hole write in stomach that was closing up? The pain went away. I got to my feet only for it to repeat. Then instead of getting up I cralled to the white smoke. My hand was wondering for something to pull my body with. I found something but then for that creature to jolted with fear. Only to drop something and go limp. When I held it and the creature I had images flash through my head making it throb uncontrolibly, but when it stopped I know what this contraption was. I pulled the trigger at the opposite end. This time when I got up nothing happend and all was quiet I looked around and started firing the contraption (gun) during never missing its target then all went black. When I awoke all I could see was death


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