Lily's Forever Home
Read Count : 146
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Chapter 1: shelter life A skinny black cat walked sadly and painfully across the blazing hot concrete street. The hot sun blazed down on her thick black fur. When she reached the other side she lay down under the shade. It was hot. Too hot. Way too hot. Annoying bugs buzzed around her ears. She was too exhausted to swat them away though. She had gone days without food or water. And most the time was spent limping painfully around town trying to find help. But help was never offered. She lay down her head in utter defeat. She was tired of fighting to survive. Was really worth it? Tying so hard to survive just so she could feel the same pain over and over again? She felt so weak she could hardly hold her eyes open any more. Then a human walked over slowly. It stood over top of her and said something before bending down and scooping her into a small cage. She was too tired to fight. She thought for sure she was dying. She didn't want to die this way though. She flexed out her claws. She tried to lift her tired eyelids but how could she? She couldn't even lift her tail anymore. She let her eyes drop. A few minutes later she felt a jerk. She was still alive? She felt hands wrap around her body and all a sudden she lifted off the ground. She felt odd jerky movements and felt air push against her face. Then she felt something cold hard and metal under her. She felt something sharp go in her back and then everything was still. Then her feeling ebbed back. She opened her eyes to see metal bars in front of her. There was a bowl in front of her too. She tried to get up and noticed she felt much lighter. She limped to the bowl and lapped up some water. It made her tongue feel odd. Scratchy and wet all at once. It also made her realize how hungry she was. But she could not find any food. Then a human came and filled up her food bowl. She took a few slow painful bites. It tasted oddly good. Meaty but herby at the same time. Like.... It was seasoned by some sort of mystery meat. Not like the rotten mouse she used to supplement her diet on the streets. This tasted good. She ate more. When she was all done she was still hungry but there was no more food. Soon she was taken to a room. It felt cold and smelled of metal. Then she was put on a table that felt oddly familiar. Then a human came up with a weird tool. It pushed a button and it made a horrible noise. The human got it close to her. She frantically tried to get up but the tool only got closer. Soon it was ripping out her fur. It didn't hurt though. Then a sharp thingy was inserted under her skin. It stung. But only for a second. Chapter 2 Lily lay in her cage a week later. She wondered where this would lead her. Would it change her life at all? Would she finally find a home? Would she be thrown out again? What if nobody wanted her? She lapped up some water then sat back so she could groom herself. Then something terrifying happened. An odd looking human with weird clothes and some sort of mask but it's odd hands on her bottom. It had slipped a cage in front so she could not see the light. At all. She panicked and tried to escape. Then she was shoved into the cage. It was much smaller than her other cage. She could not get up to turn around. All she could see was darkness. All she could hear was footsteps and muffled voices. She started breathing very heavily. Next thing she knew she was flying....or at least that's what it felt like. Then she landed with a loud thud. She smashed her face against the back of the cage in a useless attempt to escape. She heard lots of sad and frantic meows from all around. There was no food or water. But she was very thirsty. She pooped on the floor. Then she felt air pushing against her body. It was so cold and it stung. She felt a cold slimy feeling as her tail was lifted. Then close under her tail she felt a sharp metal scoop. The poop was gone. She heard a click as her cage was closed again. The next day she felt air again as her cage went flying down. She thought she was falling but she never landed. Then she heard the click of metal and all a sudden she came to a stop. She heard humans talking and then she was flying again. All a sudden she stopped. She heard the cage open and felt gentle hands wrap around her body. She was pulled out of the cage. She looked around and saw she was in a car. The human let go and allowed her to walk around in the car. She walked around sniffing everything. Then the car stopped. She was lifted out and placed in a dog kennel outside. It was the best feeling she had probably ever felt! She had clean water yummy food and best of all it was outside! And she had tons of room to walk sleep and play! But then one question popped to mind. Was this her forever home? Chapter 3 Lily woke up the next day to find that her bowl had been refilled. She walked up to it and saw a big chunk of juicy raw chicken. She bent down and took a few slow bites. It was so yummy! She ate the rest of the food. Then she went to her bowl and lapped up some water. Then she went to the back of the kennel. She started to groom herself happily. For a few hour we she slept. Then she heard a shaking noise as the kennel door was opened. A human came in and put some beef in her bowl. After eating she walked up to the human and rubbed against her. Then she notices a sound she had never heard before. Purring. Soon she noticed it was coming from her own body. She kept purring. She pushed her way under her arm and flopped down in her lap. The humans gentle hand ran down her back. She had never felt so good in her life. She had never felt a loving hand. She had never thought it was possible. She finally felt...alive! Did she actually have a reason to live? A purpose in life? She eventually fell asleep on her lap. When she woke up she was inside a house. On a nice comfy bed. Beside a fireplace. She got up and stretched happily. With satisfaction she realized that her long silky fur was growing back. She walked around the table and to a window. She sat on the window sill and watched as birds flew by. Chapter 4 A few months later she was put in another cage and shipped off to the shelter again. Why didn't anyone want her? She had been perfect for all her caretakers but no one wanted her. Why? She waited in a small carrier in a room. There where three other cages. It was a large room. On the floor was food, water, a litter box, and toys. She longed to get down there. But She could not reach. She watched as a human opened a cage across the room and pulled out a Brown tabby with fluffy fur. She put it on the ground. They played together and had fun. Then the cat was put back In a carrier and taken away. Then she watched as a human opened her cage and she was pulled out. She ran straight for the water. Nice warm amazing water. She lapped up almost half of the bowl. Then she went to the food. It was hard and crunchy. It tasted like fish. And like the old moldy biscuits she ate as a stray. Not very good but she was starving. She hadn't eaten in like two hours! Then she realized with shame. She used to eat once a week and the food tasted awful. Now if she went a few hours without food she went mad. But she couldn't help it. She finished the bowl of food. Then she walked away to groom her knotted pelt. The human walked up and ran a hard bumpy hand down her back. She got up and turned around. She purred. But just to be polite. This human was....weird. smelled like dirty litter. Hands rough and scarred. Face covered in dirt. She felt sorry for him and started purring. She rubbed against his leg. The he threw a toy ball. She pounced on it and flicked it into the air. She was shocked when it came back down and landed on her back. She jumped and ran to the other side of the room. He started laughing. Then she was lifted up into the cage. The cage was flying....but...slower than usual. She loved it. Soft smooth and gentle. Then it stopped for a few minutes. Soon after it took off again. Then they where in a car. A few minutes later she was in a barn on a pile of hay. She watched lazily as the human grabbed hay. Dust flew. It smelled....good. he carried it away. Then she heard it. Stomping. Loud stomping like a monster on the loose. She heard a yell and then a crash. She jumped down swiftly and ran to a stall. A huge horse stood inside. She jumped into the stall. Big mistake. The horse kicked at her. Hitting her shoulder and just barely missing her head. The human lay motionless on the ground. The horse kicked her tail. She jumped in an attempt to jump out but on the way out her hind paws where caught on the hook. She pushed down to jump off. Suddenly the gate swung open and the horse galloped out leaving a trial of dust behind. Lily fell on the floor hard. Breathing heavily she tried to get up. She finally did after many failed attempts. Her shoulder was swollen and bloody. Probably broken. There was a big nasty cut on her heel and she could hardly walk. She turned around. Her new owner lay motionless on the ground. Blood poured from an open wound on his head. Making puddles on the ground. His jeans where open and his leg had a circle on it. It was black and blue. His back was a bloody mess and she could not identify the wound in all the blood. Chapter 5 Lily stood in shock. What had just happened to her. To her owner. She walked up to her owner. She tried using her tail to flick the blood off his face but he was long dead. She went off in search of food. She limped painfully around until she saw a narrow hole in the wall. She stuck her head inside. She fit. Then she squeezed in farther. She crawled around in search of mice. Then she saw one. She tried to pounce but just got her shoulder more hurt. She decided it was no use. She had to turn back. But how? She was stuck in the wall! She tried to turn around but wrenched her shoulder and got even more stuck. She tried backing up and eventually got out. She was hungry. Very hungry. Out of hunger she did something horrible and gross. She walked through the open gate. She walked over to her dead owner. Then she reluctantly grabbed a chunk of flesh between her teeth. It tasted like old moldy cheese, and shrew fat, and sugar, and salt all at the same time. It was so revolting she almost puked. She reluctantly swallowed it. Then she started lapping up the blood from his head. She ended up eating half of his face before leaving to find somewhere to sleep. She curled up on the hay and fell asleep. Chapter 6 When she woke up she was in the shelter again. How? How long had she been asleep? Then she was put in another cage and walked to another room. She was put on the same cold table as before. Hands held her down as another hand pushed painfully on her hurt shoulder. The hand massaged it pushing hard on the bone. It payed interest to where the bone was cracked pushing in as far as it could go without breaking skin. Then it jerked. She felt a jolt of pain and screamed in anguish. Then it was gone. She felt the stinging pain of a needle. Then an even worse pain as medicine was rubbed into the open part. Then she felt felt a hard stiff cast get attacked to her leg. Then she felt another needle on her heel. The same pain from the medicine and then the bandage. She was not put back In her normal cage though. Instead she went straight to the play room. Soon she was lifted out of the cage and sat on the ground. She saw a human on the floor and walked over. The human whispered something and then pulled out a can of something. She opened it and dumped it into the bowl. It looked weird. It looked like actual meat. And maybe...cheese? She hadn't had cheese in a while. She ate a bit. It was so good! She ate all of it. Then she was put back In a cage and taken to a house. She was let lose inside. There was an orange fluffy cat waiting inside he came forward to greet her. Wait! It was the same cat from the shelter! Flame! She smelled him. Yes it was! She was finally home. After all that struggle. And this time for good.
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