Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Hello Everyone. Here are some writing prompts for ideas for things to write about that shouldn't take too long but will get the creativity flowing. 

This will be a competition, it will last a month so please write your entry by the 16th November. 2000 words maximum. 

It will be judged by everyone on writers outlet. 
5 stars = 5 points
4 stars = 4 points 
3 stars = 3 points 
2 stars = 2 points 
1 star = 1 point. 

Please provided others with constructive criticism (anyone being mean or rude and their vote won't count) when you judge them, this will help them in the next challenge. And please go onto other entry's and vote! Make sure if you entered you try and read as many other entries as possible. 

Please used the heading Writers Prompt, and please inbox me to let me know you've entered so I know to count your points. 

1. a lonely elf sat in a hostel, far from home, looking for the only thing he can use to get back home. 

2. two Alien fleets are about to collide when the general has an idea, it's deadly but brilliant. 

3. A young girl staring loving at the man she has been crushing on for a while, his wife doesn't know they have been exchanging photos. but she doesn't know what to do next 

4. a lonely wolf wandering through a forest. What is she looking for? 

Good luck and Happy writing. 

P.s. Part 2 and the winner to be announced 17th November 2017. Unless it's a flop and nobody wants to take part. 


  • Awesome idea. Thank you for taking charge of this.

    Oct 16, 2017

  • Thank you Jared, hopefully people take part and we can all improve our writing 😁😁 x x

    Oct 16, 2017

  • Fresh Meat And Beef Stick Productions

    Fresh Meat And Beef Stick Productions

    thats really,intresting, am,exciting challenge!

    Oct 16, 2017

  • I am going to write a story for this and my friend is trying to write one as well, this is a great idea

    Oct 18, 2017

  • great idea.

    Oct 18, 2017

  • Emma Richards

    Emma Richards

    im going to write the story about the aliens in spaceships

    Oct 22, 2017

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