Origin Of Mermaids Read Count : 155

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
     “What happens to babies who get aborted? The ones who never get to see the light of day?”

     “Ah, a very good question. They turn into mermaids.”

     I looked at him, very much startled. How could a human with two legs turn out to be half fish? 

     “You see”, he started, as if reading my mind. “Before humans learned to walk, they were swimming in the  fluid inside their mother’s stomach. One simply learns to walk once one starts living on dry land. These babies, however, would be flushed out to the sewers and eventually to the ocean, never having the chance to live on the land. The legs would never be of use to them. I believe you humans call it Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? Except in this case, it takes quite a short time. And the babies need the gills and tails much more than their feet.”

     Well, I guess it kinda did explain it. But with the answer came a million more questions.

     “But how come we never see any mermaids? And if someone did see, why are they all said to be beautiful?”

     He smiled. “It is the law of Nature itself that things must be kept the way they are. And my dear, if you were forcibly chucked out and cast away, would you willingly go back to those who left you? Of course not. Few sightings are those that were curious as to where they originated, but of course you humans tried to capture them, so they return with broken hearts.”

     “That doesn’t answer my second question.”

     “You humans are all beautiful- originally, of course. The Creator had made sure of that because you were his prized creations. You, yourself, however, have polluted the surroundings, destroying yourselves not only physically, but also spiritually. The people of the Ocean live farthest from human habitation, and the water there is pure. When they play and jump to the surface, they come in contact with clean air, free from pollution caused by you. Thus, they have what you call the “pure” appearance of humans. Partially, of course- torso down  they have tails.”



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