All About Me Read Count : 216

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Hello there my name is sarah rout this is a little about me i am a wife and mother and i also have another side of me as a bbw model. I have always loved reading books and when i was in secondary school i was never out of a libary collecting and reading books. I love poems too i started a year ago writing my own biography book about myself and have really enjoyed writing it im not brilliant at it but i do my best. I also like to read my husbands books that he does i plan on doing more books in the future and carry on with my poems. I wanns thank my husband for his support and jared for accepting me and sharing my poems for people to read thank you so much.

Anyway thank u to everybody else who reads them and gives me good stars i hope you all enjoy the rest of my work and again thank you 

Sarah rout 


  • Your very welcome. So happy to have you as part of the Writer's Outlet community.

    Oct 15, 2017

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