No Fear Read Count : 168

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
     A dog barked in the distance, alarming a nearby cat. Its white and gray dappled pelt shined glossily under the lights of the city street, and its wide blue eyes kept peering around. Beside it stood another cat. This one was larger, though, and its fur had dark brown tabby markings. It seemed less worried and its amber eyes were relaxed.

     Water dripped from the roofs that stretched high above their heads. The stars above were hardly visible due to light pollution, and cars zoomed by despite the time of night. Everything seemed so busy, something that the white cat wasn't used to.

     "What are you waiting for?" the larger, male cat meowed gruffly. "Get on with it."

     The smaller cat  gulped, looking up at her traveling companion. "I'm scared, Allen" she admitted as she shuffled her paws on the rough concrete. "I've never been-"

     "I know, I know," he sighed, meeting her gaze. "Just know that the dog is chained and I'm here, Ollie. Watch the road carefully and you won't get squashed, okay?"

     The white cat, Olivia, nodded shakily. Everything about her spelled fear: her shaking, the way her eyes widened to show the white at the edges, her scent, and even the way she breathed. Having once been a house cat, she was new to everything of the outside world. All she knew was what Allen, her beloved mate, told her. 

     They had met months ago when she had been perched on her cat tree that sat near the window. Her owners, a young man and a young woman, always left the window open just a crack to allow fresh air to enter the fairly large apartment. The apartment was low to the ground which allowed any animal with the ability to climb access to the small landing that lay just out from the window. Olivia had just about to fall asleep when the thud on the metal outside had awoken her. 

     Groggily she had opened her eyes and jumped when she saw the large feline. Involuntarily her fur had raised and her eyes had sharpened. The cat that stood outside kept his disgusted expression. "What are you doing in there?" Allen had hissed, glaring.

     "Living," she had spitted, surprised with the ferocity in her own voice. "What are you doing out there?"

     "Living!" he mocked, wrinkling his nose in distaste. Then, in a sudden tone change, asked, "What's your name, doll?"

     Quivering, Olivia thought upon her answers. She could either actually give her name, or turn away and ignore him. "Olivia," she said at last, voice still shaky, "my name is Olivia."

     "I'm going to call you Ollie," Allen had decided with a slight nod. "And I'm Allen."

     "Don't you even think about calling me Ollie!" Olivia had hissed though it was less threatening than it had been moments before. 

     "I don't think, I just do," the larger cat had meowed.

     From that encounter on, the two would chat on an almost daily basis. Whenever one had time, they would wait at the window for the other. Sometimes their waits would be for nothing, and they wouldn't meet at all that day, and sometimes it would turn out wonderfully with them meeting. It was only months after they started meeting that Allen asked the beautiful female to be his mate - which she agreed to. However, there had been a catch. Olivia would have to leave her owners and live with him as a stray. Still knowing this, she had accepted.

     That's what brought them to now, Olivia shaking fearfully and Allen standing protectively behind her. The male's infamous phrase - "I don't think, I just do" - rang in her ears. She drew in a deep breath, steeled her courage, and, without doing as she had been told, ran out into the street. Her paws hit the pavement in feather like lightness as she ran, and she wasn't focused on anything.

     Allen yowled behind her when he noticed her striking out across the busy road. As fast as he could he ran after her. Much to his relief, he was able to catch up to her and grab her by the scruff to pull her to safety much quicker than she would have by herself. By the time he set her down onto the sidewalk of the opposite side of the road, blood was roaring in his ears, and he was panting breathlessly.

     "That was incredibly stupid!" Allen growled at her once he caught his breath, eyes still warm with love. "What were you thinking?!"

     The petite female hauled herself to her paws, having regained herself. She was no longer shaking and her stance had a new sort of confidence. "I didn't think, I just did," she meowed.

     A smile spread onto Allen's muzzle, and he nuzzled his mate, curling his tail around hers. Slowly, they moved to a more dark area to bed down and get some rest. They kept their tails intertwined and kept themselves bunched up next to each other as they drifted off into sleep.


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