School Of Magic Read Count : 129

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens
The long dark empty hallway seemed to go on forever. The entire building was empty aside from the few classrooms being held that summer over in the west wing. The school yard felt abandoned. The empty swings gently swayed from side to side carried by the warm Summer breeze. The jungle jim stood still looking old and warn with it's chipped red and blue paint. The grass in the soccer field looked more like a dessert now as it's once freshly cut bright green blades were now stiff dry and trampled on.
It was just a quarter past noon. The west wing of McMabin Academy didn't appear at all neglected like the rest of the building. Flouresant lights flickered throughout the hallways leading into various classrooms where teachers would most likely be found sitting behind their desks at this time going through stacks of papers with a bright red pen in hand as they carefully examined each students assignment. Mrs. Greenwood was finishing grading the last of her geoemetry tests when she was startled by a high pitch screeeeeeeech!!!!!! As Alvin Turner came to an abrupt halt right outside Mrs. Greenwoods classroom window. She shot him a look of dissapproval shaking her head. Alvin grinned back at her showing his lack of concern as he wheeled his brand new bmx bike up the small stairwell leading to the courtyard where various students were now gathering. 
"Whats up dudes!" Alvins hollered as he approached a group of boys standing in a small circle kicking around a bright orange hackey sack. 
"Hey Al!" One of the boys replied stepping away from the circle and grabbing a skateboard that was propped up against the brick wall. 
"Hi Brady! Check out my new wheels!" Alvin exclaimed gesturing to his shiny blue bike. 
"Nice! We should ride after class!" Brady said as he admired Alvin's bmx. 
They were interrupted by three identical bells signaling it was time for class. 
Students were suddenly scurrying about every which way leaving the courtyard abandoned. 
Brady waited for Alvin to finish locking up his bike to the flagpole right outside the door and they both proceeded into the entrance of the west wing. 
Brady tossed his skateboard in a locker as they entered the first classroom to the left.
There was Mrs. Greenwood again. This time standing in the front of the classrooms as she watched as the desks were taken over by students.
 She wore a long navy blue skirt that barely covered her worn out mocasins which she wore with ankle length socks resembling a hippie.
She adjusted her thick black wire rimmed glasses and cleared her throat getting the students attention.
"Good afternoon students! And welcome to Mrs. Greenwoods geometry summer course!" 
Alvin leaned forward and gave Brady a playful smack on the back of his head while rolling his eyes in irritation. Brady started to whisper something back when Mrs. Greenwood cleared her throat turning towards the two boys.
"Am I going to have to separate you two already?" She exclaimed readjusting her glasses. 
Niether boy replied as they both slumped embarrassingly down into their desks chairs.
Mrs. Greenwood returned to the front of the classroom and proceeded to do her best to get the students excited about math as she described the summer curriculum.
   Alvin and Brady were best friends from day one when they met in kindergarten. They were quite popular as they were well know amungst their peers for being rebellious. During the school year all the kids looked forward to gathering around Monday morning as Alvin and Brady would take turns sharing with them what exciting adventures they experienced that weekend.  They were always getting into something and they were also quite both the entusiastic story tellers. 
People were always confusing the two boys or perhaps mistaking them for brothers but not because they resembled one an other. In fact if it wasn't for the fact that the two were practically inseparable, one might not even think they were friends let alone best friends at all.
Alvin was tall and skinny and he always stood out in any crowd, but that was mostly due to his bright red curly hair. 
His wardrobe consisted mostly of old worn out rock and roll t shirts, baggy blue levis which he wore much too far below his waste line, and his favorite converse all star high top shoes varrying in color. He had big blue eyes which made him all that much more mischievous in appearance. Over all he had grown to be quite handsome. 
In fact both boys were growing to be studs on campus. 
  Although Brady stood a whole head shorter than Alvin, he too wasn't hard to miss. 
Brady had bright blond hair, which turned even lighter during the summer. Kids often identified Brady by his hair, which he was incredibly proud of since he'd refused to get a haircut for the two years. It was almost to his shoulders now but he kept it pulled back in a pony tail most of time. Although Brady loved to show off his long Goldy locks, he eventually had to pull it back as it started getting in the way of his skateboarding. 
Brady had always been the much more fashionable of the two. He dressed mostly in what the kids would refer to as "skater" semi punk type wear. He usually dressed daily in a bright colored t shirt with a skateboard logo on the front, along with matching shoes and a hat which he too wore backwards or off to the side. 
Brady was also known for his ability to wear shorts no matter what time of year. Even on the coldest day of the year, snow and all, Brady wouldnt be caught dead in a pair of pants. 
His big puppy dog like brown eyes also caught a few of the girls attention in his class. Brady was quite pleased with his appearance and took time every day to make sure he looked dressed to the t. Whereas Alvin on the other hand, couldn't care less.
              Mrs. Greenwood finished writing out three geometry problems on the white board in the front of the classroom. 
"Any volunteers?" She asked longingly.
The classroom was silent. Mrs. Greenwood slowly gazed across at her students and smiled.
"C'mon you guys! Just because it's summer school, doesn't mean we can't enjoy learning!"
Alvin and Brady looked at each other in annoyance again. This time Mrs. Greenwood didn't see as she pointed to a girl in the back of the classroom and handed her the toxic smelling dry erase marker. 
The boys redirected their attention once again only to see Holy Shellhammer approach the front of the classroom. Brady especially noticed the girls sudden presence as he'd had a slight crush on Holy the year before. 
She was strikingly gorgeous with her long brown hair which great to the middle of her back and her soft brown eyes generously complimented her Rosy  cheeks. She was taller than most of the other 13 year olds, and she was quite popular amungst her class. 
Holy Shellhammer, Grace Adley, and Kimberly Thomas. Those were the three most popular girls at McMabin Academy. Like Alvin and Brady, you would rarely see the three of them without each other which made today a day particularly unlike the rest because although Holy was one of the most popular girls of her class she struggled accidemically. Especially in geometry.  
     Holy struggled with the problem for a good minute before Mrs. Greenwood stepped in to finish solving the problem. She also ended up solving the other two problems on the board before presenting the class with their first home work assignment and then the three toned bells sounded once again signaling class would be dismissed. 
     The students gathered up their belongings and prepared for their next summer school course. 
    Once in the hallway Brady took the opportunity to approach Holy.
He ran up to her left side playfully pretending to scare her as Holy rolled her eyes and pushed him aside.
"I haven't got time Brady... I've got to go meet the girls!" Holy exclaimed annoyed.
"But I thought Grace and Kimberly didn't have to go to summer school!?" Alvin interrupted stepping in on the brief conversation.
" It's uhh uhh.. it's about cheer camp!" Holy stumbled on her words before hurriedly pushing her way past both boys as she made her escape through the nearest exit that lead to the court yard.
    "C'mon Alvin!" Brady whispered signaling Alvin to follow him down through the same doors Holy just exited.
   "Where do you think your going!" Al yelled back to his girl crazy friend." 
"She's up to something! Holy isn't going to cheer camp! Camp doesn't start for another week! I know because Amanda won't shut up about how excited she is to start and she's been doing driving me bonkers!"
Amanda was Brady's little sister. She had just turned 9 and she was well known for her amazing acrobatic skills. Brady had spent all of last summer traveling the country as Amanda participated in a nation wide gymnastics competition. Sports were taken very seriously in Brady's household.
   The two boys tiptoed quickly behind Holy as she made her way across the courtyard and down the stairs to the lower level of the west wing. 
     The lower level was dark and desolate. It had an abandoned feel for it stood untouched until that upcoming September when students would soon invade the hallways throughout the school year. 
They were now only a few feet behind Holy as they both ducked behind the big green dumpster that sat in the lower levels parking lot. 
   "What is she up to?" Alvin asked puzzled.
"I'm not too sure but we are about to find out!"
Brady crept out from behind the dumpster signaling to Alvin that the cost was clear.
   The big green doors swayed back and fourth and the scent or cherry blossom perfume lightly floated through the air where Holy had just been just a moment ago.
   Alvin and Brady started at each other waiting for the other one to initiate a move.
They stood staring for a second until both boys decided to enter the doors at the same time. 
                               *       *       *

      It was eerily quiet and the hallway was dead. Almost as dead as the rest of the building during the summer aside from the west wing. 
    "This is too weird...what business would Holy have in here?" 
   Brady said puzzled. 
"I'm not too sure, but we are going to find out!" 
   Alvin didn't waste any time before he lead the two down the hallway Holy had rushed down a moment ago. 
They walked swiftly and abruptly keeping an eye out for any sign of life when a tall dark figure came up behind them!
Suddenly two hands took each boy by the shoulder! 
Alvin and Brady gasped as they turned to face the stranger in terror.
    "Where do you two think you're going?" The figure spoke in a very deep soft voice.



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