The Starlights Read Count : 83

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

     As I sit watching the night sky of the city blur together outside the train, I couldn't help but wonder what mysteries lie ahead. I was heading to The Academy of Soul Searchers, a school for special children like me, who train to fight against supernatural creatures. I was in the forest, when a vampire suddenly came into view, I was frozen, paralyzed, but only for an instant before... I dodged the first attack with ease, but I knew he wouldn't give up. Luckily a Soul Searcher had been tracking the vampire, and showed up within a matter of seconds, upon spotting my almost perfect dodge, he told The Academy about me. Immediately a spot opened up for me, as a first yearling. He was about the same age as me.

     "Next stop: Saint Clementine's school for troubled youth." That's what they called The Academy of Soul Searchers to the humans. I collected my bags and got off at the train stop, there were a few other kids getting off at that stop. A boy, about my height, with medium Bleach Blond hair and bangs, crystal blue eyes, and light skin. Where as I had pale skin, long wavy Caramel Brown hair, and light green eyes. Another was a girl, with dark brown eyes, dark skin, and short black-brown curly hair. Most of the students arrived earlier today, but some of us arrived here at midnight, even though there weren't many of us, I felt better knowing I wasn't the only one arriving just now.

     There was a professor waiting for us near the gates, he was an older man with short white hair, light skin, and brown eyes. He showed us into The Academy, and to our rooms. My roommate was a girl with short red hair, hazel-green eyes, and tanned skin.

     "Hello, I'm Emma." She extended her hand slightly, I shook it cautiously.


Chapter 1:

     "Sasha. Sasha! SASHA!" I jumped hearing my name yelled, we were getting our teams today, and I forgot who my teammates are,

     "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, who are my teammates?" The professor let out an agitated sigh, while the other kids let out low laughs.

     "Figure it out, here at The Academy Of Soul Searchers we learn problem solving. Ask around and you'll find them." I asked around like he said, and it turns out my teammates are the same people that arrived on the train with me last night.

     "I'm Brandon, I saw you on the train last night, all alone. If you don't mind me asking, where were your parents?" I took a deep breath before replying.

     "I never met my parents, they dropped me off at an orphanage when I was a baby. I don't even know their names." They both had a confused look on their faces.

     "If you never met your parents, how do you know you're even a true Soul Searcher?" Okay now I was confused.

     "What do you mean, 'a true Soul Searcher?' I mean, I go to The Academy of Soul Searchers, so doesn't that make me a true Soul Searcher?"

     "I'm Lily, and Soul Searchers are born fighters, we aren't human, we're another creature. And there has never once been a human in the Academy of Soul Searchers."

     "That's it for today's lesson, remember to try and get to know your teammates better." For the rest of the day I was thinking about the likely hood that might be a regular human, and what they might do to me if anyone finds out.

Chapter 2:

     "Sasha? Are you okay? You've been distracted lately." Emma was playing with her short red hair. 

     "Emma, is it true that Soul Searchers aren't human?" She looked at me confusingly, as if she were trying to decipher my words.

     "Um, yeah, that's like, Soul Searchers 101." She let out a low laugh, I in response, sighed heavily. "Wait, didn't your parents tell you that?"

     "Um, I grew up in a foster home." She took a light gasp, talking about my past was always very hard for me. I didn't live in a foster home, or even a home. I grew up on the streets.

     "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know..." I sighed in frustration, whenever people find out about that stuff they always act as if I'm a person who deserves their pity.

     "I've gotta go." As I started to head for the door I heard a few voices talking...

     "Hey Brandon, I bet that newbie Sasha has a few secrets that need uncovering." The girl talking had a high pitched voice.

     "That's her business, not ours, just leave it alone." His voice sounded tired, as if he was heading to bed. I heard footsteps coming our way, so I quickly closed the door.

     Emma was already in her bed looking at her phone, I walked over to the bathroom and changed into my pjs. Before I could fall asleep I got a message on the special writing pads.

     'I know your secret little human, if you want me to keep it meet me at the stairwell in the abandoned school building.' -Unknown

Chapter 3:

     I snuck out when Emma fell asleep, almost immediately after I opened the door one of the professors ended up rounding the corner I closed that door as fast and as quiet as I could. I waited in my bed for a few more minutes before opening it again to ensure the professor was gone. And then I snuck out to the stairwell in the abandoned school building.

     "Hello?" I approached the stairwell with caution, I saw a silhouette of a person I couldn't exactly make out, but it seemed to be male by what I could. I walked up the staircases to the guy very quietly.

     "Hello Sasha." This guy knew my name and that creeped me out, I didn't even tell him my name.

     "How do you know my name?" I tried to sound as confident as possible. But I ended up sounding more like a squeaky mouse.

     "Unless there was another student named Sasha that wasn't paying attention in class." He let out a low chuckle.

     "What do you want from me?" He seemed a little confused at my question, as if he wasn't expecting me to ask.

     "If you think I called you here to make you do stuff for me in exchange for your secret, you're wrong." He took a deep breath before continuing. "You see, we're more alike than you think. We're both at least part human." Now it was my turn to be confused.

     "What do you mean part human? Who are you?" The light from the moon shifted and showed more of his face. He had medium brown skin, emerald green eyes, and black hair that blocked most of his eyes. He looked at least 13, maybe older.

     "Neither of us are full human." I was shocked, but the confidence in his voice made me believe him. "I'm Jayden, and I'm part wolf, but you're part wolf AND vampire." I was frozen solid. "But the vampire in you is from a bite you got. Have you ever run into any vampires?" My mind replayed the memory of when I dodged that vampire, and I remember feeling a sharp pain on my arm as I dodged.

     "When I was in the woods, a v-vampire was there. I thought I dodged it's attack but, I remember feeling a sharp pain on my arm. But I don't remember being bit by a werewolf." He let out a soft sigh.

     "Werewolves can't be turned, only born, meaning one of your parents must be a werewolf. It's really dangerous for a werewolf to be breathing, because Soul Searchers have put all these horrible thoughts about supernaturals, while sometimes it's true, most supernaturals are very peaceful unless attacked." For some reason I believed every word.

     "Then how come no one knows about me but you do?" I thought it was very shady he knew so much about me, more than I knew about myself.

     "Because I found out when I was only 5, of what I was. I was sent to this Academy to be protected. And ever since a couple of nights ago, I've never detected another supernatural." I was starting to wonder if he was telling the whole truth. "I know you're wondering why I called you here, well the whole truth is that, next week there's a full moon, meaning werewolves will shift into their wolf forms as soon as it starts and they'll be stuck until the next day."

     "But I've been through full moons before and I've never shifted into anything, I don't think anything will change."

     "Have you had your 13th birthday yet?" That was a really weird and specific question to ask.

     "Sometimes last week I think, but I don't really know. It's kind of impossible to know the exact date for me."

     "On a werewolves 13th birthday, they officially receive their wolves, meaning that the next full moon they will have a force shift, which is very painful, and they will have to learn to control their wolf so they don't completely lose control to them. If they completely loose control, then both them and their wolf die. Tell me, have you ever heard this voice in the back of your head telling you things?"

     "Yeah, I kind of thought I was just going crazy. What does that have to do with any of this stuff?"

     "That's your wolf, and it's been helping you survive ever since you were born. And if you don't want to die, you'll need some training on how to control it. This training will also help you learn how not to have a painful force shift when you get angry. A force shift is when your wolf is pushing to get to the surface. During the full moon you will feel a lot of pain, and you will want to stop, but if you don't fight through the pain, well you know what happens, you're wolf will try to take over to protect you as well, so you'll be battle excruciating pain and a wolf. Any questions?"

     "Just one... when do we start?"

Chapter 4:

     I woke up at 5:37 the next morning, feeling like a zombie, I am most definitely not a morning person. I quietly got dressed and snuck out of the room so I wouldn’t wake Emma.

     When I got to the place Jayden told me to meet him at it was already 6:21. And he was standing against the broken down walls of the abandoned school building.

     “Hey, you ready for the hardest day of your life?” He said with a grin when he finally noticed me.

     “Not really.” I was still exhausted from not getting enough sleep, he obviously just woke up too.

     His black hair was messy and his eyes were half open. How can someone be this serene after waking up?

     “Okay, since we don’t have much time, I’m gonna explain what happens during a full moon shift. You will notice that there is a strange voice that only you can hear, that is your wolf. Don’t let them distract you, the shift is extremely painful, and make sure to bring another pair of clothes because the ones you wear will rip. You want to make sure that you come back here before midnight, because that is when the moon is at its fullest.” He said everything so seriously, like he’s been dreading this.

     “How bad will it hurt?” I was never good at handling pain, so if it’s anything more than a stubbed toe, chances are I won’t be able to continue.

     “It feels like you’re being stabbed by multiple knives and needles, throughout your whole body. Even though you’ll want to stop, you can’t, because if you do, you’ll die. It usually lasts for a few minutes until you’re in wolf form. I’ll be there to talk you through it. Once you get over this first shift I’ll teach you how to control it more. But you have to be careful that no one sees you sneak out, or else we’ll both be killed.”

     “Why is if that no matter what I’m most likely gonna die? During the shift, if anyone sees us?”

     “That’s just the way it is for us. Also, since you’re part vampire you will have to get out even earlier to ensure that you don’t eat anyone.”

     “Eat anyone?! Why would I do that?!”

     “You’re vampire side will develop cravings, kind of like a pregnant woman. And you’ll be craving blood, you might also be moody, blame it on puberty, you’re 13, it’s the perfect excuse for you.” He ran his hand through his messy hair. “If you run into any trouble just hold you’re left wrist to your mouth and whisper Jayden, it will let me know that you need me.” He took out a paint brush and what looked like black paint. He proceeded to write his name on my wrist. In an instant it all disappeared.

     “Where did it go?” It was like it was never there.

     “It’s still there, but it’s camouflaged so no one will know it’s there except you and I. You might want to hurry up and get back to your dorm before your roommate wakes up.”

     “Thanks a lot Jayden.” I smiled at his kindness.

     “Anytime Sasha, now get.” I giggled before dashing off.

Chapter 5:

I am currently working on this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.


  • Sarah A

    Sarah A

    Great story, I can wait for whats next

    Nov 08, 2017

  • Nov 08, 2017

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