Royal Touble 2 Read Count : 122

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Have u taken every thing Sam?”my mom asked for nth time and like always I said “yea mom” ,”just check your bag once “, saying that she came to my room bringing my mobile charger and handed it to me . smiling sheepishly I took it from her and kept it “it's not that I won't get a charger there “ I went to hug her and “I'm going to be fine mom,u take care about yourself”. My mother left the room saying goodnight to me . After she went I was busy thinking how is it going to be there and before I knew I was drifted to sleep.

The next day at dawn i left my house saying goodbye to my family . It was 8hour flight and then 2 hour car travel ,I was really happy that my boss booked me a midnight flight at least I could sleep in flight and pass my time  

After reaching udaipur I was really schocked as I came to know that today was a strike and the car I booked won't be present, I saw a Tonga and the lady helped me to reach the palace when I reached the palace I was shocked by it's beauty and thought I would have a great time here


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