Last Easter Read Count : 154

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
My Name is not important but i feel the need to share my thoughts as i to drift off to sleep, but can not my eyes are heavy but my mind is racing.
It keeps going back to the day that i keep relieving everytime i have a moment of peace or time to think,we all have had a dream of falling in our sleep.
For mabye a week before Easter sunday i kept having dreams that i was going to die in a terrible accident ,it all starts one morning whenevee i wake up i look around my room like its the first time i have ever seen this room before , the first person i see is my sister .i will refeer to her as "bry",However bry was watching tv ,just laying on the bed on her side i couldnt see her face and im just looking around like i just got punched my head is spinning.
My mom walks in the room and walks in the room with candy bunnies in the room however i dont like them i was going to throw mine away but my sister bry wanted it and i said" were about to leave  ,you can have it as soon as we get home". So it is easter sunday we are on our way to our familys home to eat and have alittle get together ,were having fun playing musical chairs,water ballon fights, and my favorite an easter egg hunt. 
I loved it because the adults always put money in for us kids and as we were egg hunting i noticed my sister bry found the egg so i tricked her into trading with me
So funs over we are stuffed its time to go home but first we need to drop off my aunt and cousins and then drop off a easter plate to my moms boyfriend which was 30 mintues away on the island .
For some strange reason we missed our turn to get off the freeway to drop them off so we ended up taking the long way as soon as we get to my aunts,im begging my aunt and my mom to let me stay ,my aunts says no mabye next time.
Now we are on our way to the island about to get to paul jones pass with the food plate in the 3rd seat in the very back of a 2004 chevy trail blazzer my moms driving on the phone talking to my aunt who we just left my sister sel is on the front passenger seat my brother j is next to me in the back driver my sister is in the middle back and im on the passenger rights side next to the window.
We were having a blast disturbed down with the sickness came on the radio we were laughing and my sister wanted to lay down for some reason so she unbuckled her seatbelt and went to the vary back with the food,after awhile my mom said no come back to the front and put on your seatbelt.
So i turned around to call my sister bryanna back to the front but i looked into her eyes ,as i heard the tires skreech from the car next too us suddenly losing control hitting my side window as i look directly at the window on impact ,the car we were driving lost control and started flipping it flipped exactly three times as it was flipping i couod hear my brother screaming i could hear my mom yelling for her sister over the phone and i was holding the headrest ,it felt like a rollarcoaster at that moment i taught i was going to die my final thoughts were forgive me god.                  the car stopped my ribs hurt my legs bleeding and i look out the window and see a person on the side of the freeway
As i looked around i noticed my sister bry wasnt in the car anymore ,i started yelling mom bry isnt in the car anymore she replied oh my god were is she!
I pointed at the body thats lifeless on the side of the frewway, i limped to my sister and my mom ran, my mom started saying "baby wake up ,come on baby please wake up your going to be okay your going to be okay" she tells me to go back to the car so i go back and im laying against the medium looking at the sky at the water and the grass thinking were am i going ti be 10 years from now.
People are all around me trying to help me saying that im going into shock and that im bleeding i didnt notice anything was wrong with me we are put in the ambalance theyre treating us and im asking weres my mom weres my sister and in that moment i passed out i woke up to people around me stiching me up cleaning my body put their fingers in our butts to make sure we are not bleeding internally and out of no were we recieved the news that bry passed away and my moms yelling no not bry i wasnt sure if i was more hurt at the fact that my sister was dead or the way she said it was like it should of been one of us instead.
All my family is passing by crying looking at us barley concious from our bodys
My uncle comes up too me saying look me ,you got to be strong for your mom dude you have to be strong.
I relieve this moment everyday in my sleep ,when im awake , i try to remember the last time i smiled but its easier to remember the pain,.
---part 1-----


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