STRAIGHT TALK RADIO Intro. Show Host. Jai Mazarrti Act1.
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Category : Scripts
Sub Category : Plays
HI! IM JAI. MAZARATTI! im your host....and welcome to Straight Talk Radio!( AUDIENCE CLAPS LOUDLY) I'm here today to ask questions concerning affairs individuals live. I will be questioning many faces here today ,which our audience will have the opportunity to examine for yourselves the real answer to the people's lives .our questions ,will go to a specific type of people.they are the people ,we walk by everyday and,never take notice of. I would even go so far as to say it is quite embarrassing for us who are considerably called humans.... to walk past these particular people without taking notice of their present situation at all. Some people are this way, because of their habitats or their personal hygiene! we're afraid to touch them,or get too close to them.we feel that ,any contact might,infect us..or give us a disease or infection or infliction. the people that im Questioning this segment are......THE HOMELESS!! LETS GIVE THEM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!! YEEEAAHHHHH!!!! WOOO HOOO!! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP ( THE AUDIENCE CLAPS LOUDLY FOR THE HOMELESS PEOPLE ON THE STAGE PANEL!) please click to. 2.