The Tragic House Tales: Nutty Luck Read Count : 131

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Comedy
There once was a little peanut,
Who's happy life was shortly cut,
When he found himself caught in a rut,
Because the farmer chose him for peanut butter.

Off he went when he was able,
With "Jif" stamped upon his label,
But he did not end on a table,
And instead found himself in a cabinet.

The jar was opened with no time wasted,
The peanut butter all but tasted,
No sandwich was the peanut fated,
For his destination was the wall.

For days he sat unwilling viewer,
Faintly looking like manure,
Until Knight Britney, the one can-doer,
Wiped it away with a washcloth.

Moral: Clean your peanut butter from the wall because he didn't want to be peanut butter in the first place.


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