Killer Photo Part 14 Read Count : 168

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter Thirteen

  Mac wore the pig mask and climbed up to Shanda to put a ball gag in her mouth. She was still so out of it that she didn't try to fight him. He stepped down and moved the chair out of the way. He reached out to grab the lit cigarette from Danny. We all had our cameras ready as Mac put the cigarette into the soft flesh behind her knee. Her head flew up so quick as we continued to fire off shots. Her eyes were wide open as she kicked in pain. That was beautiful and exactly what we were looking for. She seemed a little more alert as she was breathing heavily now.

  Mac tore off the mask and handed it to Evol. Mac needed to get some shots of his own. We were all overcome with excitement as Evol pulled out a tiny box from his backpack and set it down on the chair as he slipped on the pig mask. He opened the little box and grabbed a toothpick. He walked up to Shanda and held out the tiny wooden stick as to somehow prepare her for what was next. She started to panic and we began snapping away to capture the fear in those once lifeless eyes of hers. Nobody should leave this world feeling numb, and she may not see it now, but she will be grateful to have died feeling something.

  Shanda knew that what was coming was going to hurt again. She began kicking and shaking trying anything to keep Evol away from her. Alex and Kevin grabbed the extra rope, they both each grabbed a leg and wrapped the rope around her ankles then Alex tied her end to the leg of an old large desk sitting in the corner. Kevin tied his end around the door knob. Soon Shanda was naked and spread eagle suspended in air. She began sobbing, she was sad and probably felt defeated. We all captured every second of that. It was raw emotion she gave us and we loved it. She looked so beautiful up there. This was our best shoot yet.

  Evol took the toothpick, grabbed Shanda’s toe and shoved it just under her toenail. She let out this deep guttural scream. Saliva was dripping from the gag in her mouth as her entire body writhed in pain. Tears ran down her face and she began shaking her head in silence, she jerked a few times then passed out.

  After a while she started to come to. We snapped away as she woke up and realized where she was. Mac stood up on the chair and removed the gag and tried again to give her some water, this time she took it willingly. She choked a bit at first but kept drinking it. When the water was all gone she cleared her throat and began to plead with us again. She hadn't had her fix since last night and she was hungry for more. Danny put the mask on and told us to capture the moment the heroin hit. 

  Danny injected the heroin between her toes then released the belt on her leg. The shutters were firing as her facial expressions changed from tense and alert to what can only be explained as emptiness. Her entire body slumped as she hung there staring at nothing. Aside from Danny, none of us had ever tried heroin or witnessed the effects it has on a person.

  It was about ten minutes later when Shanda seemed to come back to us. She seemed a little more alert, yet still high. We were all a little antsy for some action when Alex grabbed the mask and started asking Shanda if she wanted a little more pleasure after all the pain we caused her. She told us to have our cameras ready and she started to finger fuck Shanda as she hung in the air. Alex took it a little slow at first and Shanda seemed to enjoy it. As Alex continued Shanda smiled a little and begged for her to go faster, Alex obliged. 

  We didn't question it as we took the shots. Shanda had felt fear, sadness, pain, withdrawal and now she felt pleasure. Alex fucked her with one hand and with her other she played with  her clit. Shanda screamed out in pleasure begging her not to stop. Alex continued, she was about to come when Kevin walked over with a huge butcher blade and sliced her down the front like a pig. Blood spilled out of her as Alex jumped out of the way. 

  We just kept shooting through all of the mess. Shanda didn't even know what happened to her. Her eyes were filled with pleasure as she enjoyed what Alex was doing, then suddenly they were empty. Such a beautiful way to go. Now she was free from the pain, and free from the prison she was in because of her addiction. Shanda will live forever through our art. 

  We were all a bit emotional after witnessing her death. Shanda had been with us the longest and she gave us such a beautiful opportunity. Our tears were not of sadness, they came from somewhere else. We were proud to be doing such amazing work and now we couldn't wait to do it again. 

                                                     Chapter Fourteen

  It was late by the time we hopped off of the last bus to walk back to camp. The streets were quiet when the sound of Sam's phone startled us. She looked at the text from Thibaut, “I'm at your campsite, are you all around?” Sam sighed knowing that it was probably time to deal with him. She replied letting him know that we were just walking up. There he was standing with a six pack of beer.

  We all walked up saying hi and shaking hands with Thibaut and as we put our gear away I noticed that Sam pulled him to the side to chat. She smiled as she spoke with him so I assume that things were ok. Kevin said that he was going to take a quick shower before he headed outside to join us. Alex and I were starving and decided to order a couple of pizzas. Evol and Danny gathered the wood for the fire, and Mac sat in his chair and poured himself a drink. Sam offered Thibaut a chair and she sat down next to him. Alex and I pulled up chairs close to the fire that was just starting to burn. The wind had kicked up and it was a bit chilly out. Alex opened a beer and asked Thibaut if he had gotten any good shots while in LA. 

  He mentioned that he had spent some time wandering around Hollywood and getting some cool street shots around there. He asked us if we had been out seeing anything good when Mac chimed in and asked to see what he had been working on. Thibaut brushed it off saying that he didn't have anything worth showing him. He said he'd be a little embarrassed showing his amateur work to a pro. Mac laughed at the compliment , but understood where he was coming from and decided not to pursue it. 

  Kevin came out with his hair wet and asked if we were hungry. I told him that we ordered pizza already so he grabbed a beer and pulled up a chair.

  We spent the evening drinking beer and laughing by the fire. We were all still high from the shoot with Shanda and we just wanted to chill a bit before we packed up and moved on. Thibaut also mentioned that he was planning on leaving LA and was happy that he was able to hang again before we all went our separate ways. 

  Thibaut left just a bit before the sun came up and we headed off to bed. I grabbed my journal and wrote a little while everyone else slept. Tomorrow we planned to pack up and head out. Our stay here has been an interesting one, but very fulfilling. We don't know where we will go next, I guess we'll just play it by ear. Sometimes not knowing what was next was the most exciting. 

   I had been writing for a bit listening to the soft sounds of everyone sleeping when I noticed a light coming from one of the front seats of the RV. I closed my journal and peeked out and saw Mac sitting in the passenger seat with his laptop open. I quietly got out of bed and plopped down next to him the driver's seat. He didn't look up at me as he started telling me that he couldn't sleep. He just couldn't get Shanda out of his head and he wanted to look over some of the images. 

  Mac felt as though he were reliving the moment with Shanda as he sorted through the images on his laptop. The glowing light from the screen illuminated his eyes and I saw something I had never seen before. Desire? Lust? Hunger? I wasn't sure exactly, but I knew he wanted more. 

  He turned the screen toward me, I felt chills and maybe a little bit of butterflies, the kind I get when Alex kisses me, as I stared at the screen. There was so much blood spilling down over her milky white skin and onto the floor. Her eyes were blank and her mouth wide open as she hung there. I felt powerful, as if I could do anything as I stared at the beauty that existed in one photo. A photo that told a story of so much emotion, freedom and a release of all the demons that once lived inside her. Together we set her free. 

  I woke to the sounds of voices outside and rolled over to realize that I was alone in bed. What time was it? I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and scooted off the bed. I threw on one of Alex's t-shirts that she left on the floor. Her shirts always fit me big and I liked that. In this case it covered my ass enough to step outside. As I walked through the RV I noticed that everyone must have been outside, maybe to let me continue sleeping. 

  I opened the door and saw everyone busy packing up camp. Alex turned to see me and came over to kiss me good morning. She reached under the back of her shirt I was wearing to give my bare ass a squeeze. As I bent down from the steps to kiss her back. She gestured for me to go back inside while everyone else packed up. She told me to sit down and she would make me some coffee. Alex was sweet like that, she loved taking care of me. 

  She slid in next to me as she handed me my mug. She said that they had all been talking about where to go next and she wanted to know if I was on board. Nobody was quite ready to go back to Sacramento yet, especially after yesterday. I agreed with that after seeing some of Mac’s shots from last night. I knew Mac wanted more blood, I saw it in his eyes. Frankly, so did I. 

  Alex said that they all had decided on heading further south and just see where we ended up. I was definitely on board with that and Alex’s face lit up as I agreed. She jumped up to peek her head out the door and hollered to the rest that I was on board and we were headed for the shower.

  Alex grabbed my hand to help me up and she lifted up my shirt and pulled it over my head to reveal my naked body. She bent down and kissed me on my neck then reached around with both her hands and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around her as she carried me to the shower. She set me up on the sink and bent down to lick me between my legs. I was already wet from the moment she kissed my neck. It didn't take long for me to come. I arched my back and yelled out her name as she devoured me. She came back up to kiss me and with one hand she reached in to start the shower. 

  She tore off her clothes and we stepped into the shower together. I bent down to gently bite one of her nipples then got on my knees to taste her as she stood under the warm water. She held on to the top of the shower doors as I made her entire body shake with a simple stroke of my tongue. Soon she was begging me not to stop. I continued licking her spot until she came. Then together we washed our bodies and stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in towels. 

  Everyone was busy making sure we were all ready to hit the road. Alex and I got dressed and helped the others pack up. Soon Alex was in the driver's seat and I was sitting shotgun gun. I turned on the radio and rolled down the windows as we cruised out of LA. 


  • Once again I am satisfied 😍

    Oct 12, 2017

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