SLEEPOVER Read Count : 186

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
       Sleepover  -  A Sexual  Awakening  

Nino  is sitting  on the  edge  of  the  bed  looking  at  Ailo  stripping  down to his  underwear. He is wearing  an oversized  checkered  red, white  and  blue boxer shorts. He had one  once before but didn't  like it and so he never  wear  it  again.  He pulls   the comforter down revealing one oversized  single  pillow. He murmurs  himself ,   "Just  one pillow ,  we gonna share  one pillow ?   Interesting  ! "
  "Hey,  Nino, aren't  you  stripping  down ?  Are  you  sleeping  with  all  those  on your   body? "  asks Ailo  in a surprise  tone .
  "I never stripped  down that much   before,"  he answers. Besides, I am not at home.  I am at  a  different  house , in a different  room,  different  bed, different  pillow  and everything. "
  Ailo   hangs all   his clothing  on the doorknob , turns the light off.
  Try it, you'll  love it, buddy , " assures Ailo   as he walks  to his side of the his bed.
  "Ok, I'll try it, " says Nino as he starts  removing his outer   clothing. He folds them and lays them on the carpet. "I feel a little  bit   chilly ,  though ," he says it with   concern.  He lays down just as Ailo  hit the bed also.  "Your bed feels so soft and I feel  like  sinking. Do  you  like  it? "  Nino asks as they pull  up their shared  blanket.
  "Oh, ya. I like  it a lot and I sleep  well also , " Ailo  proudly  answers with an attitude . " I think you'll like it too. "  as he turns to  his friend.
 After a while   he asks " Do you  feel  warm  already?" 
  "Not quite  yet. Maybe in a little  bit, Nino   assures his friend . 
  "Here , turn your   back  to me  so I can help you  feel warm   faster."
Ailo  pulls  his buddy  and at   the   same time   moves closer.  He wrapped  his hand around  Nino's ribcage.  Nino can feel  their   closeness, skin to skin. He can even feel   his friend's   breathing  and heartbeats.  Ailo  found a way  to slip   his leg in between Nino's   legs. Still, he moves closer to the   effect   that   Nino can feel   his bulge .  This  closeness   gives  Ailo  a little   sexual  feeling  of excitement.  He if fact  was waiting for this chance   to be close to  him. He  has developed  an urge to be with him and even questioned  himself  if he is gay.  This gave Ailo   more courage  and 
 incentive to   let Nino feel  his hardening   erection . He even started  rubbing  a little  bit harder  and longer against Nino's  behind . At first, Nino did not mind.  As This  went on Nino  got an uneasy feeling .
    "I feel   warm now, " he says and lays on his back and as  usual  he
clasps  his both hands  just below his bellybutton .  He cannot  re -member  how it started  but as  long as can remember  he has been sleeping  this way . Ailo  did not budge ,  instead  he laid  his hand  just below  Nino's  hands  right  on his  groin.  Nino did nothing  or said  nothing .  Still  Ailo  unintentionally  can feel his friend's  private.
They  were in this position  for  a while  when  suddenly  Ailo starts fingering  Nino's  penis, although  lightly so again ,  Nino wasn't  alarm at all.   He again says nothing.  But then,  he notices Ailo's stroking  is  longer and the pressure  is more prevalent as if Ailo  is sizing  up his
penis. This gives Nino  the sense that he himself  is getting  an erection, feeling excited  and sexually aroused.  Nino got carried  away and he cups  Ailo's hand  and started squeezing it  and unfortunately   squeezing his own  erection.  At this,  Ailo  firmly  gropes Nino's  penis   now really hard as his. He crosses his leg over Nino's   touching his friend's crotch. Both  are fully aroused and ready for further encounter . 
  Suddenly ,  Ailo  kissed Nino  but didn't  show  any response.  However , Ailo  guided   Nino's   hand to his crotch and with   curiosity  he grabbed it at once and tried  to measure it up. "It's  really   big,"he murmurs   to himself . "Could  mine be like this in about  three  years?" Considering their age   difference . He just turned fourteen.
  He started sizing the length  and to his surprised  his friend  is uncut. He  started playing  the  tip of the foreskin.  
  "Hold it still  and firmly," says   Ailo   and he started thrusting back and forth. He could  not hold  his excitement  as he started giving Nino's hand job.  Nino   immediately  grabbed   Ailo's  hand with  both   hands as if to stop   Ailo.  Nino faces his friend. He bends his knees and places his clasps hands  between  his knees.
  " I don't  want  you  to  do it," Nino said. " You are naughty. You are not nice ." 
  "I am sorry , " apologized  Ailo.  "I like you Nino. You 're a nice friend. Let sleep. Good nite."  He turned  the other direction.
  They awakened by Ailo's  dad knocking at the door. Nino got up and started dressing. Ailo  did the same but as he was walking  towards the door, he suddenly   blurted out, " Oh, shit, I have to change underware."
  Before Nino closes the door, he looked   at his friend   butt naked infront of his drawer. He closes the door and proceeded  towards the kitchen . 


  • This would be much better if you could use descriptive words rather than saying what it actually is. 😀

    Oct 11, 2017

  • Anton Alves

    Anton Alves

    like telling the story as iif told in the third person ?

    Oct 11, 2017

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