Hope,my Middle Name Read Count : 163

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
I looked in the mirror again today and i couldn't find her, the adorable girl with a heart full of love and a head full dreams,the gorgeously melanated Nubian princess with sparkly brown  eyes and thick black hair that defied gravity. Had she drowned in her own tears? was she smothered by her fears? The thought of her disappearing became too much to bear so I closed my eyes and i tried to remember when last I had seen the thick lipped,full hipped wonder that she was. I shut my eyes tight and i opened the gates of my soul wide and inside I found her. She had never really been lost. She resided quitley in my inner most parts waiting to be unleashed, to be uncovered. I held her hand and i finally told her what she had been waiting to hear for years black girl you are beautiful just the way you are.


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