Writing Prompt: Day 5 Read Count : 72

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Writing prompt: opening line 
""We're going to freeze to death!""

"We're going to freeze to death!" Sarah exclaimed as she clenched her teeth together to stop them from chattering. 
"Well maybe if you'd thought to bring jackets, we'd be fine!" I shot back at her. She scowled at me and hugged herself trying to preserve her body heat. 
An hour before, Sarah announced that we were going on a ghost hunt. She'd found this supposedly acclaimed haunted house that no one had been inside for years and, being the curious and protective boyfriend I was, I agreed to her ridiculous plan. Walking into a haunted house a few days before Halloween wasn't the best idea in any sane person's books but here we were, trespassing like idiots without proper gear. It turned out that her haunted house was actually a burnt down house that offered no protection against the wind. 
"I didn't know it was going to be an outside exploration." I heard her mumble the words and felt a bit guilty for snapping at her. Her shivering stopped as I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. 
"I know babe. C'mon let's explore quickly so we can go home." I led her into the wreckage while she pulled out her camera and started taking photos of everything that peaked her interest. I pretended not to notice the pictures she took of me and let her have her fun with it. She giggled at one in particular and knew the camera had caught the silly face I'd pulled. 
All of a sudden, a low groan and wheeze sounded and she jumped behind me wth a squeak. 
"Ashton? What the fuck was that?" Her words were barely a whisper and did nothing to calm my own racing heart. 
"I dont know babe. Let's get out of here before the house comes crashing down on us." I felt rather than saw her nod and took her hand again to lead her out. The groan sounded again and something snapped behind us. We both jumped and bolted for my car. Once inside the car, I barely waited for the seatbelts to click before I squealed out of there. Sarah's hand didn't leave mine and her face was ashen. 
We got back to my place and ran inside. Sarah burst into laughter and collapsed on the couch. I stared at her, bewildered, until she pointed at me and laughed. 
"Holy fuck you should have seen your face. Oh my lord that was great!" She managed to get the sentence out while laughing and was nearly blue in the face from the lack of breath. Pieces slowly started to click together and she watched with a smug grin as I figured it out. 
"You... you planned this didn't you? That's why there was no preparation for the hunt because there was no hunt." The pleased look she gave me was answer enough. I stalked over to her and pushed her against the back of the couch. Her eyes went wide and she stopped giggling. 
"You're gonna pay for that babe." I kissed her hard for a few seconds then backed away and made my way into the kitchen. She slowly followed after me and perched herself on the counter. I made a couple cups of hot chocolate and she watched me wth narrowed eyes, most likely wondering when I was planning on getting her back. 
"When are you going to get me back?" I looked at her with a smirk and handed her the mug before walking up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Follow me."


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