Addison's Adventure Through Science
Read Count : 146
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
Addison Reyas wondered, 'What if dad never comes home.' Addison was suprised when her brother unexpectedly opened the door. He said with rough tears, "Dad... got killed." Addison fell to the floor crying about this monstrous tragedy. His brother James cried out, "Why him?" It is a great tragedy for Addison and James. For they're mother was an evil shrewd woman. "Kids... I am home." The mother called Rem called. "Mom... dad died." Addison wept. "I know honey... its hard, but you got to get over it." Rem said with a devilish smile. "Why are you smiling?" James questioned. "I am not smiling," Rem remarked. "Mom... did you kill dad?" Addison asked backing away from Rem. "Don't be ridiculous Addison." Rem laughed. "I.. I cant believe you!" James said running to his room. James and Addison had run away leaving they're cruel mother behind.They had run into some woods. "Cool moss!" James said as he ran to touch one. "No!" Addison called. "Don't take it out of the water. It needs the water. Or else it will die." Addison said. "Pssh." James sighed. "Do you ever pay attention in class?" Addison asked. "These are non-vascular plants which means they lack a long stem that supports vascular plants." Addison said. "Jeez who brought up the nerd?" James mummered. Then a various enexpexted call rang on Addison's phone. "Addison... I am coming for you. You and your brother. People are judging me. COME BACK! Before I bring you back. I am coming to get yoi and your brother sit tight." Rem sneered. "We got to go!" Addison said after hanging up. "Mom's on the loose..." "We have to go." James agreed.