Depression Read Count : 177

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Maybe she was to mentally ill maybe she wasn't good enough you told her enough that she believed it her self people would tell her how beautiful she was which just maid her more isolated and she got depressed as her life was spinning down hill nothing to look up to by this point her wrists were all scared up and she thought that her only chance was to die that just maybe she get the chance to escape from this cruel reality. After 4 hospitations  someone finally sat her Down and said with a humble heart we know your sick and we want to help you she was just diagnosed with bp 1 and she thought her world was crashing down when it was literally just a start ... so we all hoped but that night she cooked her parents favorite dinner and had the last family night she would ever had she got into that shower and taken 30 pills of xan and cut her wrist just right that her mother found her hrs later that was her daughter and now she's got they rushed her to the emergency room to be announced dead at the sense her mom and father were destroyed inside and out wondering how will I possibly tell her brother?  


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