Friend Zone #3
Read Count : 126
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
After a moment of blankly staring at her phone, she got up. 'I guess Daddy forgot to bring home a hot dog from the game tonight. That's pretty understandable.' She wobbled into the kitchen. 'Am I in the mood for Ramen tonight?' She turned and opened the fridge. "When does the milk expire?' She quickly searched the gallon for the expiration date. 'Hm, better go ahead and finish is it off. Knowing Jay, he'd drink it Thursday and get sick.' In a moment she had her cereal ready to go, and went back to the living room to eat it. She began to eat when she received a text. "Hey, babe what's up?" Chance took one more bite and replied using only one hand. "Uhnm, siorry, I thjnk yiu hve te wrng nmbrr." "Are you drunk or something??? XD Do I need to come help you out?" She put down the bowl. "Lol sorry. Was texting with one hand and my cell has a tiny keypad. Anyway, you have the wrong number." "No I don't but I'm glad to hear you're not drunk and why didn't you use Speech-to-Text?" "Because I had a mouthful of cereal. I don't drink. And yes, you have the wrong number." "No I don't. I know exactly who I'm talking to" "OK who are you?" "Your boyfriend ;)" "Seriously, leave me alone. You have the wrong number. I don't have a boyfriend." "Yes you do you just don't know it yet" "Gray? Is this you??" "Nope not Gray try again" "Levi?" "Nope :)" "Seriously, who are you? I'm going to call my Dad if you don't tell me right now." "You can call me Will" "OK, Will, you have the wrong number." "No I don't I know you I know a lot about you" "Um, ok weirdo. I'm done here. Bye." She put down and phone and continued to eat her cereal. "Chance, please don't go! I wanna talk some more!" This message made her jump. "Please Chancey please! come back! I just wanna talk!" "Leave me alone you have the wrong number" "Oh don't be upset with me Chancey!" "I'm not upset" "Oh Chancey I know you better than that. I know that you stop using punctuation in your texts when your mad." She began to sweat now. 'Only two people know that...it's not Daddy, and Stacy can't text!' "Who are you?!" "I told you I know who you are in fact I know a lot about you" "Like what?" She texted. 'I need to know if he's for real.' She thought as she saw the "He's texting bubbles" on the bottom of the screen. "I know your name is Chance. I know your best friend, Stacy, overdosed earlier tonight." "Everyone in the town knows about Stacy. And she had lots of friends." "I know you home alone. Your 5 brothers and dad are over at the Jackson's house." "All my brothers are on the football team. And everyone knows my dad is close to Mr Jackson." "I know you broke you ankle last week." "Everyone knows that everyone sent a get well soon card" "^ I see your still mad XD Anyway, I know that you lied about how you broke it." The text sent a shiver down her spine. Only one other person knew about that. "Jeremiah? Stop messing with me!!! Did you change your number??? Or did you delete your info from my phone to set up this prank?" "I told you I'm Will and I know a lot about you. Like how Jeremiah accidently broke your ankle with a fast ball when you guys practiced privately." "Jer, this isn't funny. STOP." "Still Will :) believe me yet?" "Not sure." "I know you're shaking from fear. Please don't. I don't wanna scare you." "Dude, you're really freaking me out! And if you don't wanna scare me then leave me alone!" "Can't you just give me a chance, Chancey????" "Please, just leave me alone!!!" "OK I'll leave you alone. But I'll be back, Chancey ;)" Suddenly, all the text history deleted itself. "Crap! What's happening?!" She yelled. She quickly dialed her dad's phone number. "Daddy?" I hope you enjoyed the story so far! It's not finished so yeah : ) please read the rest of the series!