Never Ending Nightmare Part 5 Read Count : 208

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
They worked on their plan all night. When they passed out. when they woke up they were relived that they weren't apart. They continued working. Barley even eating. Then finally it was time to put their plan into action. They weren't sure it would work, but it was worth a shot. It was 11:58 pm. Only two minutes to go.
"No matter what, you will always be the most important person I know.." he said.
"Same here...." She responded. He put on the mask. She prepared herself for what was to come. That's when the gas came. She passed out instantly. He cought her before she fell. 
"I promise you everything will be ok." He whispered. Then there was the sound like a nuclear explosion. There was a hole in the wall, and the monster stepped​ through.
"Not this time, motherfucker." He said. He ran to the monster and stabbed him in the back. It didn't seem to phase it. He removed the knife, but instead of blood, there was a black goo osing out of the hole. He almost gagged. The monster turned and punched James. He fell to the ground, and his mask fell off. When he woke, they were gone.....


  • Maya Feilhear

    Maya Feilhear

    Oh! Cool~! I want more of this x3

    Oct 09, 2017

  • Love it!!! But sorry, not 5 stars. 10 STARS! It is so so so so cool!

    Dec 24, 2017

  • love it but quick question how do they get their food?

    Feb 21, 2018

  • Oct 09, 2017

  • Awesome 1

    Awesome 1

    they get their food when they pass out, the thing can "teleport" food into there dwelling. i dont want to give to much away ;)

    Jun 18, 2018

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