Part 2 Read Count : 123

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
  I couldn't do it. Who was I to take a life. I took my pizza and my depression and closed the door. That deep blue Drowning anxiety and depression. I couldn't shake it, day and night like an ever present melevoant shadow.
 When I slept it was there, when I awoke it was there. Every tick of the clock brought on a new wave of dreadful thoughts. I was a slave to my mind, and my happiness was at its mercy.
 I wait for that small moment in time where I'll be relieved from my hell. It's momentary, and forever fleeting. It's times like now I fear my deepest thoughts will win me over and I'll become the demon, the monster I knew I always was. Inside..
 I sit, alone in a dark small room with the clanging in my head. I will not become a killer, I will not become evil, for I am not. I want to do good, I want to do right. I want to live my own life separate from it all.
 Notes dance in my head, some happy, some minor. I look to the future and see light, I see good. I must forge through the darkness of the present, but still be in the now, and learn and grow stronger, like I know I will. The phone rings..
 ''A goddamn distraction of my time.'' I quickly rush off..End call. I need a cigarette. I wander if I'm manic, or schizophrenic. I'm sure I sound like it. 


  • again nice work,incredible

    Oct 15, 2017

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